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Mackie Onyx 1620
Mackie Onyx 1620

Analog Mixer from Mackie belonging to the Onyx series

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« Never Record Without It! Best investment I've ever made for my home studio! »

Published on 09/05/14 at 09:59
The Mackie Onyx 1620 has a total of 16 inputs. Eight of them can be used as either Bal/Unbal line ins or XLR3 microphone inputs. The remaining eight inputs are solely Hi-Z line ins. The inputs run through Onyx microphone preamps(one of the best mic pre's on the market is built into this board!). From there, it is equipped with Perkins E.Q., which is phenomenal. Not only do you have your typical E.Q. controls(high,high mid, low mid, low), but both mid E.Q. sections on each track have an additional frequency control knob. This knob controls the center frequency for the E.Q. filter. Think of it as a frequency selector. Once the desired frequency is found, you can then adjust the volume of said frequency in the usual way.

It is equipped with Aux sends and returns that can be used for bussing premixes or effects to or from or through whatever-wherever. Analog tape ouputs, main line outs, main XLR outs, control room line outs, and an optional Firewire card.

The Firewire card turns this kick ass analog mixer into a bad ass digital interface. So... What else could you need?... A lamp? just in case it gets dark?

Oh wait.

It has one.


Set up is always painless. It has no frills to get in the way and is extremely straight forward. With so many output options it is also extremely versatile. The manual is straight to the point and provides diagrams of suggested set ups for most common uses. I've used it in studio for the most part. When used in a live setting, however, it is just as simple.

Plug up.
Adjust levels and E.Q.
That simple.


With the detail that can be achieved through the E.Q., everything is easily dialed in. No hissing or "electronic hum" from the unit. The Mic pre is constantly satisfying. With any preamp you sort of have to find it's sweet spot. Once learned, it can easily be reproduced for every occasion. The sweet spot on this one is pretty much everywhere. Dial it up to unity, adjust as needed, but it only takes a couple seconds to reach the perfect gain. Fan-Frikkin-Tastic.


This is constantly doing something in my studio. If I am working in my studio, this is undoubtedly being used. Best mixer I've ever owned. I'd highly recommend it to anybody who needs a board for any purpose. This is an older model, however, and I'm sure that the newer Mackie Onyx mixers have upheld the same incredible standard. Try one of those out first. If you can't find one of those within your budget that will suffice for your project, go old skool and find one of these. INCREDIBLE.

-Onyx Mic Preamp
-Frequency Selector on the Perkins E.Q.
-Incredible versatility with multitudes of output options

-I believe it is discontinued. That means(unless you can buy the mixer and the card together), finding a place to get the Firewire card for this model will be difficult.