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SubtleNoiseMaker cacophonator
SubtleNoiseMaker cacophonator
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«  2 versions on the market, even basic electronic »

Published on 03/13/12 at 06:16
at the base, a circuit bent traditional chain with 4 oscillators, 4 knobs, 2 settings and downstream pitch and volume, in focntionne 9V

mk2 version has switches and an early sequencer

useful link:


no manual except the electronic diagram is enough to him even

each tilt depends on the preceding, therefore, the adjustment of going first in the second, then 3 and 4

not easy the first minute, we understand the thing by moving the knobs with two hands at once

remains in the pitch of the sound fintion

metal housing, light, therefore, for the live, a good double-sided on paper will be useful leplan

everything is intutitif, analog


acid it sounds, circuit bent, electro-punk

reverb effects downstream can be useful for warmth

important point: it takes 10 seconds for the 4 tilt put themselves in harmony at the beginning
, And extinction, the sound decreases again for 30 seconds
immediate response following quality knobs


4 months of good and loyal service on version 1, version 2 mk turn on youtube, but it is 200 euros, photo below.

Version 1, "LITE", amply meets a set of electro scene.