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Roland GR-20
Roland GR-20

Audio/MIDI Converter from Roland belonging to the GR series

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«  Well, not great! »

Published on 02/14/12 at 21:00
Already said before
Tracking good (not perfect)
Cons by some sounds very spoiled


Use at let's say it's a toy!


The hardest part of all this is to properly position the sensor. After everything worked right away!
I was very impressed by the latency: one feels, but it is almost zero!


Well let's say I bought it was however hier.Cela 5 years I wanted a guitar synthesizer (as the great guitarist Metheny was the first I've heard when I started playing guitar, I'm still a fan ) and that I suck on keyboards (actually I do not want to learn lol) then voila! At least it increases your vision of the game, you can do a whole piece yourself, into several tracks, of course ^ ^ (there is a patch mm battery!)
Too bad the sound editing is more advanced, and that the sounds are very similar!