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DOD FX86B Death Metal Distortion
DOD FX86B Death Metal Distortion
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MGR/guitarfreak MGR/guitarfreak

« DOD FX-86B Death Metal Distortion »

Published on 01/24/02 at 15:00
I got this pedal for $15 from a guy who said he didn't need it any more because he had a multi effects processer.I played it and thought it was sweet

It is a great pedal for punk,rock,hardcore type stuff. My amp's distortion comes no where close to this thing.

Not much that I don't like, besides the gorey names for the knob controls such as guts, pain ,scream, R.I.P.

Great quality. Small potable,durable.

It is a great pedal,would reccomend it to any guitarist who wants a heavy distortion sound.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com