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Danelectro DJ-6 Pepperoni Phaser
Danelectro DJ-6 Pepperoni Phaser

Phaser for Guitar from Danelectro belonging to the DJ series

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Ludwik Jahn Ludwik Jahn
Published on 08/11/06 at 02:06
Analog Phaser. One knob: Speed. Between Output Jack, DC jack.
The battery compartment opens with a big screwdriver
I put 7 because it is plastic, and therefore may limit parâtre perspective of solidity.
That said, has been a year and a half that I have the Danelectro Pastrami, I do not mnage particulirement and is both in perfect physical condition and in perfect working condition.
In addition, Danelectro had a idegniale: its pedals are books with a plastic yoke which is placed around the knobs and allows to press it without altrer the rglages. Ah ... If the Tech 21 and Carl Martin could think about it, too, has m'viterait many sorrows !!


A knob.
If you can not, you fates grafted a brain ... or SECOND neuron.


In voil a surprise: the pedal has excellent sound!
And what's more, usable throughout its race, which is already not bad.
Wholesale up to two hours, was a classic phaser, sound very vintage. Between noon and one o'clock, we can very easily get the sound of David Gimour on "Breathe". And then, from three hours, the sound begins to oscillate. Some will say that a approaches the Leslie. I know I'm just saying is oscillating, and you have a sound "MOUILL" about four hour, ame sound "noy. This position is Idale to play arpges of the spirit of the Beatles. It sounds a bit like an organ, and can create an atmosphere of "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
I dconseillerais this pedal for those who seek his "funk" of the 70's and early 80, or even for those who swear by Incubus. Rather I would send these people the pedal Boss, which is in this spirit.
Personally, I very Moderately appreciates that the sound of the Boss because I wanted to find c'tait a sound in the mind of Mick Ronson in the Rolling Thunder Review Bob Dylan, or that of Lynyrd Skynyrd Free Bird on.
For this type of application, the Phaser Danelectro is perfect and I think it is an excellent choice for those who do not want to invest in a MXR or for those who, like me, would not have enough room on the Pedal Board to house a Small Stone Electro-Harmonix.


I had a pedal Boss PH-2 - and its imitation by Behringer, who after me is better strict sound point of view - and it were not at all the sound I was looking for , even if I should imagine that a musician looking for a funk.
on the other hand, Pink Floyd, Creedence Clearwater, Radiohead, etc. I think this pedal is a wise choice.
I would also note that even if the pedal rating 60 euros in stores in the capital, it can be found for less than 25 euros new on eBay! It's a shame that the importer does franais rpercuter decides not really very attractive price of these mini-Danelectro pedals. Perhaps he is afraid to compete himself if he distributes other more onreux effects.
This is unfortunate because because of this mini Danelectro pedals remain poorly understood, and sometimes evil apprcies. But I possde some and I never found anything wrong with it, either from the point of view of quality or from the point of view of sound. I really ask you to believe me when I tell you they are really better than the two pedals that are worth three times the price. In addition, they have a really vintage tonality is apprciable. The Pepperoni is no exception and I always recommend in priority.
I put 9 because I guess you did better ... that said I was waiting to see!