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Gibson SG Special Faded
Gibson SG Special Faded

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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spinko spinko
Published on 03/02/10 at 04:48
I bought 900 euros before falling prices, but the dollar goes so prices will go up too- Gibson morality: o the price is about the current web: throw at you! It is the business of the century ...
The manufacturing quality is top, the guitar is even more beautiful with its varnish "buffer" as standard, level sonority is more bluesy than the standard, more roots and rson better.
Indeed, the absence of large polyester varnish makes it sounding, more nervous than a standard SG.

Nothing wrong, the finish is bleuffante for the price asked.
It has more character against a standard SG, it is more typ roots ... I put 10/10


We must get used to the Gibson round and round off with short scale, this is not an Ibanez! But it is ideal to play rock and blues, and after a week I was playing my solos faster than my Fender Stratocaster. This is the ideal guitar for bend ...
The guitar is pluttlgre and compact, unbeatable ergonomics.

For use, I will rpter me: blues, hard, rock, modern jazz.


It was a landmark in the history of the guitar in your hands, the sound is heavy and greasy without excesses on the neck pickup, very soft in the middle position and sharp in the bridge position.
The guitar has a hell of potato, she screams at the slightest gust of mdiateur for overdrive and saturated sounds I no longer use the Fender that parat very dull with his little skinny sounds ...
With this SG is viva Santana, ZZ Top, ACDC.
This is the guitar with the strongest character I possde, if you play the variety: a do not do it. We are in a rare record of the hard-Stooges.
Ideal for the riffs of Keith Richards ...
A similar no other guitar in the clean can play fairly fine things and even crystal in the middle position.


I tried hundreds of guitar, the one is one of my prfres, it has a standard personality! I have 2 years and I never resell. A skyscraper for pure and hard ... no other comparable.