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Ibanez GSA60
kurtaunirvana kurtaunirvana
Published on 06/03/06 at 05:25
Factory in Indonesia
22 frets, a humbucker in the bridge position and two single
Vibrato bridge
A rglage volume and tonality and slectuer 5 positions


The handle is very pleasant end,
The access to acute poses no problem
The shape typ stratosphere is pleasant deplus for a guitar of this price it's character while remaining sober
the weight is reasonable is well quilibrbr /> The sound is varied, it accepts all types of games, three microphones have their asset celon the desired game
I for my part in chang after two years the humbucker by Seymour Duncan CH4 which redonn it a second wind is not the least !!!!!!!!!!!
As against the vibrato has left because of ct tuning does not take that price you can not have it all


This is my first guitar she saw any style of music without ever grumble but since I changed the humbucker I takes to rock "grunge" and all is well !!!
I play with a Hughes and Kettner Vortex which makes it all rather homogeneous, coupled Ds a 1 or 2 the sound takes a max !!!!!!!!!!
The clear sound humbucking since I've changed a apprciable sustain and distortion me dcoller !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I for 2 years and a half with a microphone change twice and full rglage there four months it did not took a ride ...
The handle and very pleasant but the whole guitar is too! No specific default ...
As I said earlier this is my first guitar and is a music teacher gave it to me advisable after a lengthy review !!! And I really do not regret anything, compar to other models in the same price range, it's a reference number !!!
The price quality ratio is exellent if we look more competitive it is not an Ibanez branded and therefore should gard Ibanez reputation and has risen to the TLE.
I will do it again this choice without any hesitation is really good guitar to start electric unerringly .......