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Marshall JVM410H

All user reviews for the Marshall JVM410H

Tube Guitar Amp Head from Marshall belonging to the JVM4 series

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Value For Money : Excellent
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  • King LoudnessKing Loudness

    Better... but still not quite there.

    Marshall JVM410HPublished on 05/01/11 at 07:31
    The Marshall JVM line of amps was designed to be as versatile as possible, with the flagship 410 head featuring 4 channels with 3 selectable modes per channel. There's also an effects loop and individual reverb controls for each channel. The full list of features is as follows:

    * 100-Watt valve head
    * Valve complement: 5 x ECC83 (12AX7s) in preamp, 2 x EL34s in power amp
    * 4 independent, footswitchable channels-Clean, Crunch, OD1 & OD2
    * Each channel boasts 3 footswitchable modes — Green, Orange & Red
    * Studio quality, footswitchable digital reverb with level controls for all 4 channels.
    * 2 footswitchable master volumes
    * Two FX loops — Series/Parallel & Parallel
    * Series/Paralle…
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    The Marshall JVM line of amps was designed to be as versatile as possible, with the flagship 410 head featuring 4 channels with 3 selectable modes per channel. There's also an effects loop and individual reverb controls for each channel. The full list of features is as follows:

    * 100-Watt valve head
    * Valve complement: 5 x ECC83 (12AX7s) in preamp, 2 x EL34s in power amp
    * 4 independent, footswitchable channels-Clean, Crunch, OD1 & OD2
    * Each channel boasts 3 footswitchable modes — Green, Orange & Red
    * Studio quality, footswitchable digital reverb with level controls for all 4 channels.
    * 2 footswitchable master volumes
    * Two FX loops — Series/Parallel & Parallel
    * Series/Parallel FX loop is footswitchable
    * Emulated line out
    * 6-way, 7-LED footswitch with memory capabilities (UK patent pending)
    * All switching can be done via MIDI
    * Made in England

    It's got lots of different features and sounds for sure, which does match the goal of ultimate versatility. It's certainly got a lot more going on feature wise than say, a Marshall DSL or even the TSL. Those were not great amps in my opinion, so I hoped the JVM would be different. Well...


    As I stated previously, this amp has a LOT going on, so it can be difficult to dial it in quickly. I had to spend about an hour just going through the channels and modes to know roughly what each channel sounded like with each of the three modes before going on and tweaking the tones from there.

    The clean channel goes from very clean to a gritty sort of "edge of break up" type of tone to an even more gainy clean sound, reminiscent of the older Marshalls when pushed a little bit. It's nice to have that variety to be able to switch to those tones as opposed to dialing in another channel for them.

    The crunch channel picks up where the clean left off and it covers everything from classic seventies arena rock to a late seventies hard rock tone. There still isn't a whole lot of gain in this channel, so you're going to be relying on power tube distortion and sustain if you use this channel a whole lot.

    The OD1 channel was definitely my favourite. It covered everything from Van Halen esque rock tones all the way up to modern rock tones. OD1 orange mode was definitely the stand out distorted tone on this amp as I really enjoyed it for everything from 80s LA rock to modern rock. That one mode alone was probably reason enough to enjoy this amp, but not at the price Marshall would charge.

    OD2 was a decent channel as well, much like OD1 but with scads more gain. It was almost too much gain, and combined with the overcompression that most Marshalls nowadays have, it was almost unusable at higher gain levels. The compression and scooped midrange issues were still there, but not quite as badly as on the DSLs and TSLs.


    I tried it only with one guitar (Parker Fly Deluxe) with DiMarzio humbuckers and a coil tap mode as well. The cleans had a nice chime to them with split coils and I really liked adding a bit of reverb to give it a bit of that classic sixties flair. Going to the higher gain modes on that channel resulted in some cool quasi overdriven clean tones that, though I didn't have much use for them, sounded cool. The crunch tones were nice as well... very rich and dynamic overall (though like I said, I feel they would rely on power tube distortion/saturation so high volumes are better with this channel).

    The OD1 mode was my favourite. Using it with split coils resulted in some cool hard rock Strat esque tones and putting it back into humbucker mode was great as well, perfect for many styles of British voiced rock tones. The biggest issue I had with this channel was how noisy it could get at higher gain levels. It was a bit louder noise wise than I would have expected... c'est la vie I suppose. OD2 was cool for wild gain sounds, but it was very noisy and compressed, so it was not a channel I gravitated towards often.

    Aside from the compression and slightly scooped midrange nature of a lot of Marshalls nowadays, the biggest surprise was the amount of noise. It had a prominent hiss at higher gain levels and I couldn't imagine using such a noisy amp on a regular basis. Keep in mind this amp was new out of the box so it hadn't been used or abused in any way.


    I feel that JVM is a step forward for Marshall, but it still doesn't quite get there. There are some nice tones within (on the clean and OD1 modes especially), but the inherent compression and buzzy sound that is a problem with Marshalls did get to me. Ultimately this would result in me not purchasing a new Marshall or recommending one, but they do sometimes take measures to improve them. This amp's closest competition would be a Mesa Boogie amp, of which there is no contest. I'm a MUCH bigger fan of Mesa than Marshall and have no problem saying so.

    For the $1,700 or so new price that these amps are... I think you're getting a deal that's okay. Personally, if I wanted ultimate Marshally tones with versatility, I would spend $150 more and get a handbuilt Splawn Quick Rod with three gear modes. While the JVM isn't a bad amp by any means (there are actually some great tones inside it), it just has a high price and that pesky compression sound that can't be dialed out...
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  • iamqmaniamqman


    Marshall JVM410HPublished on 03/23/11 at 12:20
    I had heard so much talk about this amp for some time that I felt I need to get it. I was recently playing Mesa Boogies and wanted to go back to the Marshall tone that I was comfortable with. So I sold a Mesa that I had to get this amp. I had already owned a DSL 100 and was looking for something similar with more options. I got this home and was immediately disappointed. The amp was cold right out of the box. In that the bias needed to be warmer and get those tubes cranking hotter. So the sound was kind of thin to me. Next I noticed how noisy this amp was compared to the DSL 100. I always knew the DSL has a bit of noise but not even close to this amp. There was so much gain in here that I n…
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    I had heard so much talk about this amp for some time that I felt I need to get it. I was recently playing Mesa Boogies and wanted to go back to the Marshall tone that I was comfortable with. So I sold a Mesa that I had to get this amp. I had already owned a DSL 100 and was looking for something similar with more options. I got this home and was immediately disappointed. The amp was cold right out of the box. In that the bias needed to be warmer and get those tubes cranking hotter. So the sound was kind of thin to me. Next I noticed how noisy this amp was compared to the DSL 100. I always knew the DSL has a bit of noise but not even close to this amp. There was so much gain in here that I needed to go out and buy a noise gate. I don't like using noise gates if I don't have to. It was really too much for me to handle, so I dumped the amp within a month after buying it.

    Marshall JVM Series JVM410H Tube Amp Head Features:

    * 100-Watt valve head
    * Valve complement: 5 x ECC83 (12AX7s) in preamp, 2 x EL34s in power amp
    * 4 independent, footswitchable channels-Clean, Crunch, OD1 & OD2
    * Each channel boasts 3 footswitchable modes — Green, Orange & Red
    * Studio quality, footswitchable digital reverb with level controls for all 4 channels.
    * 2 footswitchable master volumes
    * Two FX loops — Series/Parallel & Parallel
    * Series/Parallel FX loop is footswitchable
    * Emulated line out
    * 6-way, 7-LED footswitch with memory capabilities (UK patent pending)
    * All switching can be done via MIDI
    * Made in England


    There are a load of options in this amp. There are four channels with three different modes to choose from within each channel. So essentially it is a 12 channel amp. Some of these modes are repetitive. For instance you can get the same sound out of channel one on the red mode as you can channel 2 with the green mode. I pretty much stayed away from channel one since it seemed pointless to me. I used channel two quite a bit since it felt the most natural sounding of them all. The 3rd and 4th channel while sounding gainy were just too much and there was so much noise that it just didn't get used.

    I read through the manual online at Marshall's website just to see if there was anything that I was missing. It was clear that I wasn't going to get this thing sounding the way I wanted.


    Perhaps I didn't give it a fair shake but I just couldn't get past how much noise this thing had. Plus it felt cheap to me. The sound was similar to a Line 6 simulator. It didn't feel natural at all. Nothing about this amp felt like a real amp except maybe channel one or two.

    I used all kinds of guitars with this thing to make it sound good such as Strats, Tele, LP's, Wolfgang and even a Rickenbacker. Nothing could make this thing sound natural. Allow me to preface this by saying I had owned a Splawn QR and comparing the two was not fair. The Splawn was so far superior that it was pointless to even keep this amp. This amp wasn't even in the same league.


    My opinion on this amp is to pass it up. Get a DSL 100 if you want high gain Marshall or get a JCM 800, modify it or slap a SD-1 in front for about have the price as this amp. If you want to buy an amp with high gain Marshall tones then get a Quickrod. If you want a huge low end amp then get a Nitro. Just don't waste your time with this amp.

    I would not recommend this amp to anyone. At new prices they are over $2000. At used you may find it as good as I did for $1100. Save half that and get an DSL. Or save part and buy a 800 or a used Splawn.
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  • NicolasDNicolasD

    is all

    Marshall JVM410HPublished on 12/20/10 at 21:14
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Dsol I do not know but I invite you to see the reviews are very comprehensive Previous.
    I just want to point out two Masters, one can use the 2nd as a boost that can really rgler as we want, which is an excellent idea.
    Super Self-Employed and also the rugged footswitch (it connects by a jack classic like this is dsolidaris the footswitch, it will not tear or s'abmer over time and allows store it more easily).
    Note the small LED that is easy to see in the dark if it is lost between the effects loop, Masters and canals.
    The top and implementations noon is much easier life.
    I agree with a user who says that the plastic knobs, made really cheap and has not inspire confidence.

    Read more
    Dsol I do not know but I invite you to see the reviews are very comprehensive Previous.
    I just want to point out two Masters, one can use the 2nd as a boost that can really rgler as we want, which is an excellent idea.
    Super Self-Employed and also the rugged footswitch (it connects by a jack classic like this is dsolidaris the footswitch, it will not tear or s'abmer over time and allows store it more easily).
    Note the small LED that is easy to see in the dark if it is lost between the effects loop, Masters and canals.
    The top and implementations noon is much easier life.
    I agree with a user who says that the plastic knobs, made really cheap and has not inspire confidence.


    Not really need the manual, despite all the buttons is very simple to understand.
    Really designed for the professional touch everything.
    You get more or less easily after a good sound modes.


    For sound, adpend gots.

    - For the CLEAN channel, do not EXAGRES, not a twin but it is bluffing when you know the history "rock" of the brand. The best clean Marshall of all time (o so I can be a series but the rat frankly, I see it).

    - For channel CRUNCH, I'm not as enthusiastic as others. I find it a little too round, basses are too fat, the equalizer will not allow me to give him a punch is not quite "fit in". And how red should look like JCM800, I see too the report. For me it is a small dception because I have some idea of the Marshall crunch, but for blues fans will velvety very good question of taste, as usual ' .

    - The OD1 channel, I like it. Especially orange mode, did a bit hard the Van Halen. Mode red as there is still more gain (almost too). It's not very late but holds the road well even low volume.

    - The OD2 channel, bin is the same size but in V for extreme music. Very good, say nothing but the first two modes are not used much since it is the channel that says Metal and Metal said saturated fat line. So, these first two modes will fit anyone, nor hairy nor those who have lost their hair. Finally, I am ready to read contrary opinions.

    I have a dozen guitars, guitar cheap (around 350 euros) a custom shop (about 5000 euros), Start, Les Paul, Tele, Gretsch, active pickups and passive humbuckers and single coils ... I've tried everything on the amp, my decision is fairly objective.


    Well, there's something that fills me is the anti-snobbery Marshall.
    The guys that criticize the brand new amps are often the same who feel a big diffrence between two of its brands of 12AX7 DIFFERENT but at the same place factories and industries of the m Manir me.
    The same ones who do not understand that his true "lights" just above the Tagus power.
    The same ones who spend their time to question the sound of the amp to avoid having to question their game
    Anyway, it's a fad. And how many times, and according to gnrations, we heard that Marshall c'tait well only time the Bluesbreakers, no, actually JTM45, no, actually plexi ... no, actually JCM800 of ... no, actually JCM900, JCM2000 of, LSD ... I even read some people regret the TSL then that for once c'tait not really terrible!
    In the U.S., everyone wants to play at Marshall. In Europe, everybody wants to play at Mesa ...
    What I know is that I have lots of DIFFERENT amps, a mesa with its TriAxis 2:90 a Egnater Rebel 20, a Bogner Alchemist frquemment and I play on other amps which the mesa F50 (and I confirm what the user said in the first notice is a live dung inaudible). I had a Fender Twin amp I assassin in an opinion because he always fell down.
    And the JVM bin it not crash. There is no problem of rverb or lamps that burn out too quickly. It is versatile, far from being excellent everywhere (for blues, metal, country etc ... there will always be better, obviously) but it does the job without hesitation and this is asked. Honntement, I see not what it lacks for an amp in this price range and I see what I can not ask for more. I recall that the Engl e670 and Mesa Road King are more than twice as expensive, they do not play in the same court.
    Soon, I finally know people who go down remember the mark today with motion of the era of bnie JVM ... Good and bad
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  • hugodzillahugodzilla


    Marshall JVM410HPublished on 11/25/10 at 12:46
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    All tube head (5 X 4 X ECC83 + EL34) for 100 WATTS,
    Effects: reverb for all channels, especially for all independent equalization


    simple configuration, despite 28 buttons (one real dashboard), the manual is clear, no need to get the price "Goncourt" to dip the system;
    readily obtained a good sound, especially the large distortions that they have guts


    suited to my style: TRASH METAL, then obviously it is thought to brands like RANDALL PEAVEY or that I ever had but this is frankly head ensures good distortion is not cold / clinical but can heat it not hurt, at least for the TRASH is extra, and it sends a lot.
    The clean is nice, the extra crunch (for…
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    All tube head (5 X 4 X ECC83 + EL34) for 100 WATTS,
    Effects: reverb for all channels, especially for all independent equalization


    simple configuration, despite 28 buttons (one real dashboard), the manual is clear, no need to get the price "Goncourt" to dip the system;
    readily obtained a good sound, especially the large distortions that they have guts


    suited to my style: TRASH METAL, then obviously it is thought to brands like RANDALL PEAVEY or that I ever had but this is frankly head ensures good distortion is not cold / clinical but can heat it not hurt, at least for the TRASH is extra, and it sends a lot.
    The clean is nice, the extra crunch (for blues or rock, the foot)


    I just have so much back yet, nonetheless I have several amp head, also another MARSHALL: The MF350 (oven method) distortion in the JVM 410H possesses may be less compression (or less present low) but this is not a problem because the distortion is really superb, and then the head has 3 modes per channel, as you say you have a choice on the distortion you want used, against the head is more versatile than the MODE FOUR (who is also a superb header)
    I also have a BUGERA 333XL (not bad at all, admittedly, a good brand, but eventually good, not comparable, do not push it either) as much as I appreciate these are four independent channels, all with a Programmable reverb and footswitch.
    I regret this purchase, on the contrary, I LOVE this amp head
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  • Audiofanzine FRAudiofanzine FR

    Marshall JVM410HPublished on 11/03/08 at 12:23
    (Originally written by rockboy51/translated from Audiofanzine FR)

    All-tube amp head (5 ECC83, 4 EL34)
    Output power: 100 watts
    4 channels: clean, crunch, od1, od2
    3 modes per channel: green, orange, red
    Quality digital reverb
    2 master volume controls
    FX loop


    First of all, I use it mainly with a Les Paul but also occasionally with a Stratocaster, a Telecaster and a Jackson.

    Like all tube amps, it must be pre-heated some minutes before you can actually start playing (you have to use the standby switch for this). The head seems rather complex but it is simple and practical in its use.

    The amp offers 12 different sounds (each of the 4 channels has 3 gain modes), which all…
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    (Originally written by rockboy51/translated from Audiofanzine FR)

    All-tube amp head (5 ECC83, 4 EL34)
    Output power: 100 watts
    4 channels: clean, crunch, od1, od2
    3 modes per channel: green, orange, red
    Quality digital reverb
    2 master volume controls
    FX loop


    First of all, I use it mainly with a Les Paul but also occasionally with a Stratocaster, a Telecaster and a Jackson.

    Like all tube amps, it must be pre-heated some minutes before you can actually start playing (you have to use the standby switch for this). The head seems rather complex but it is simple and practical in its use.

    The amp offers 12 different sounds (each of the 4 channels has 3 gain modes), which allows me to always find the sound I want.

    I also like the amp's memory function. The included footswitch has 6 switches (labeled 1 to 6) and control LEDs (very convenient). This allows you to program the footswitch the way you see fit. For example, I assigned the switches as follows: 1 = clean channel, 2 = crunch channel, 3 = OD1 channel, 4 = OD2 channel, 5 = toggles between volume 1 and 2 (convenient to boost a solo) and 6 = reverb on/off for the active channel.
    Each channel configuration is stored in the amp. For example, if I'm using the clean channel in orange mode, with the reverb on, master volume 1, FX loop on, and I switch to the OD1 channel in red mode and master volume 2, I can always go back to the clean channel and find it exactly as I described it above. And it's the same if I recall the OD1 channel again.


    Now let's talk about the sound possibilities...

    I play mainly rock but I like to add thrash and pop elements to my playing. This amp offers me all the sounds I need.

    I'll start with channel 1:
    Green: Very simple clean sound, there's nothing to say about it.
    Orange: Warmer sound with a bit more gain. When I use this mode I also activate a Boss Chorus CH-1 that I connect to the FX loop. This gives me a very rich Guns 'n' Roses sound (think Paradise City, Don't Cry, etc.).
    Red: This mode has more gain. It can even produce a slight distortion.

    Crunch channel:
    I love this channel. Every mode (from green to red) increases a bit the distortion.

    OD1 channel (overdrive 1):
    This channel's green mode produces nearly the same result as the the red crunch mode. The orange mode produces a deeper distortion and it is very good to play rock and hard rock. The red mode is pretty much like the orange but with more distortion. It sounds like a high-gain Marshall.

    The OD2 channel (overdrive 2) has the same design as the OD1 channel but with more distortion so that you easily get thrash metal sounds.

    The master section allows to set the sound resonance and presence. Very convenient.

    The 4 channels allow you to have different EQ settings to fine-tune certain sounds. This amp head provides me all the sounds I need and it has a warm and brilliant overall sound...


    I just want to say: congratulations Marshall!!!

    I've been using this amp for 2 months. It's my first all-tube amp and I'm thrilled. It's a killer amp!

    My only critique would be that given that it's an all-tube head, it is very heavy and the stairs at my place are very steep.

    I find it has a good value for money and wouldn't hesitate to buy it again.
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