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Native Instruments Monark
Native Instruments Monark

Virtual subtractive synth from Native Instruments

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darklinux darklinux

«  I think »

Published on 11/23/14 at 22:56
The installation thus carefree, since it is a question of a plug in, a meta plug in in the occurrence of Reacktor 5, I is not seen incompatibility, configuration, hence d it even when the integrates its STAN 10


I is not at all looked at the manual, it can be using the noob, but in the case of Monark, that is unnecessary, as long as we know the principle bases of different synthetic 10


Having survived installing KOMPLETE 10, Monark consumes nothing under my configuration (iCore7 3610m + 8GB Ram) in Ableton Live + 9 + Massive Darklight IIx a Drum Rack Pack + Ableton effects of Solid Komplete bundle 10) j 'was under 17% CPU load and uses it for a good week, it's very very clean programming 10