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Roland PC-200 MkII

Roland PC-200 MkII

49-Key MIDI Keyboard from Roland belonging to the PC series

3 reviews
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Good for this price

Roland PC-200 MkIIPublished on 05/14/14 at 16:35
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
What I decided to take the hit is very light
Work cell or alim


Touched very nice, as said above

No need to record
Simple Config '


I've had it about 7 months, and this is my first keyboard. Not having much requirement for a master keyboard, it suits me perfectly.

The +: VERY light touch

The -: pitch bend and modulation wheel are one: the pitch in horizontal and vertical modulation. The modulation is very limited movement

Roland PC-200 MkIIPublished on 10/29/03 at 15:05
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Small keyboard master 4 octaves trs single outlet twelve one out between a sustain pedal


To program synths or batteries there is more than enough
easy to use and compact, perfect for a keyboard and mouse get the PC to the monitor.
better even when not having too large fingers the buttons are large trs


has over 10 years I used almost every day (not down)
Jazzy StuffJazzy Stuff

Roland PC-200 MkIIPublished on 01/27/04 at 18:23
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
It's a keyboard that a priori seemed very well suited for my use: it is simple. Is not full of buttons that serve no purpose (as on other models).
Quite handy because it has 4 octaves with the possibility to easily change octave + or more severe acute.
A controller for pitch bend and modulation very practical.


The touch is quite enjoyable.
But unfortunately it is not reliable. Maybe my case is an exception, but two of my buttons have lost control of it rather boring and VLOC. Because of this, it is not really "playable", it is very debilitating in fact.


I use it for 4 years. I have a hard Arelle "play" above. But for MIDI control, it is very...…
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It's a keyboard that a priori seemed very well suited for my use: it is simple. Is not full of buttons that serve no purpose (as on other models).
Quite handy because it has 4 octaves with the possibility to easily change octave + or more severe acute.
A controller for pitch bend and modulation very practical.


The touch is quite enjoyable.
But unfortunately it is not reliable. Maybe my case is an exception, but two of my buttons have lost control of it rather boring and VLOC. Because of this, it is not really "playable", it is very debilitating in fact.


I use it for 4 years. I have a hard Arelle "play" above. But for MIDI control, it is very convenient.
This is the first keyboard that I and only I tried.
The report qualitprix is ​​my very good time.
I do not repeat this choice because it is not robust enough to withstand a live performance and it is not controllable enough for real MIDI control. Acqurir I think, soon, a comfortable keyboard for real live game and a true double MIDI CONTROLLER Retailer.
But I think anyway it is ideal for beginners and semi-amateurs.
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Roland
  • Model: PC-200 MkII
  • Series: PC
  • Category: 49-Key MIDI Keyboards
  • Added in our database on: 04/06/2003

We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed


Other categories in MIDI Keyboard Controllers

Other names: pc 200 mkii, pc200mkii, pc200 mkii, pc 200 mk ii, pc 200mkii, pc 200 mk2, pc200mk ii, pc200mk2, pc200 mk ii, pc200 mk2, pc 200mk ii, pc 200mk2