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Kilianh Kilianh
Published on 01/22/06 at 06:11
Installation Nikel and light.
No compatibility issues
No configuration problem, It is for his cot and intuitive as I chose.


I use it on a Barton 2800 +, 1GB DDR dual channel on an Asus Deluxe A7N8XE and M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96, the software does not row, it becomes just a little longer when applying effects one or more tracks. But that's normal, the effects are applied in real time. C is still a very very reasonable.
I REALLY can not judge its performance because it is the only sound they love eidteur given t test. I begin Music. But personally, I am very satisfied j'obtient very good results.


I use it for a month. what I like most is its simplicity of use. Is the least vis a vis the MIDI, see other reviews. But personally, maybe I make a mistake but I work that from samples. I program drums and then record my guitar parts.

I would do without this choice hesitate one second and is not ready to leave me.
In fact, I have a friend who has recorded a studio album and they used Cool Edit Pro 2 (his little brother), he is happy with the result.