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Classified ad: overload mastering

Suresnes, Ile-de-France
Posted 9 years ago


Overload mastering is a custom analog studio , adding the power of best high quality digital converters and a crazy custom vintage analog set up ! We can make your music sound better, warmer, larger ....

Mastering is more than just make your track sounds louder !

We can help all of you , musician , producer , labels , recording studio : Mastering , mixes , files restoration , sessions , recording etc .

Name of your studio: overload mastering

Hourly rate: $40.00/hour

Address: 18 , rue de velettes Suresnes

Suresnes, Ile-de-France
Suresnes, Ile-de-France
Posted 9 years ago
Overload mastering
  • Member since october 2002