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Manley Labs Stereo Variable Mu
Manley Labs Stereo Variable Mu
boogie-raf boogie-raf

«  Splendid! »

Published on 03/12/11 at 04:06
This is a compressor / limiter with high standing lamp.
Two channels that can not or linker. two rack units.
XLR connectors.

the finish is very neat and the look is hell.
it heats up a lot (there are ways to get burned on the fins at the rear)


Everything is clear, it's just a compressor.


A compressor is absolutely beautiful. It can be used on almost everything: for tracking vocals, Over-head, guitars, mix in the group or mastering.

The sound is huge. quite respectful in the low cut, it can heat a mix of very nice way.
Cranked on batteries, it is pumped cymbals exactly how we expect.

Truly a great achievement of Manley. The technology is similar to the Fairchild 660.


I use it for 2 years. I have also Tubectech CLA2B. Manley is the most versatile: it is also used for mastering, I would like to compare with LA2A.

What I like best: sound, what I like least: nothing, really.

value for money: ben it's expensive but obviously we really need a good tube compressor in a set-up mix.
for any info, appointments at: http://www.lestudio5.com