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Analog Synth from ARP

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Alex AlderAlex Alder

monophonic ARP

ARP AXXE Mk2Published on 12/04/10 at 07:48
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Monophonic analog synth, 3 octaves.
Only 1 VCO,
2 waveforms, saw and square,
this model has MK2 pad pitch modulation "PPM"
LFO sine and pulse,
noise generator with option "Random"
resonant filter and clean the whole shebang analos of the time.
HP has gate connection, an entry "pedal" and audio in.


Super simple to use, full of knobs on the panel with diagrams.


Ideally suited to electronic, funk, post-rock ...
Sounds very typical vintage ARP, big bass, leads super bright, captivating pads.
Less powerful than Odyssey (2 times cheaper too) but some sounds closest.
No afertouch velocity nor, for that matter the keys are not really terrible.
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Monophonic analog synth, 3 octaves.
Only 1 VCO,
2 waveforms, saw and square,
this model has MK2 pad pitch modulation "PPM"
LFO sine and pulse,
noise generator with option "Random"
resonant filter and clean the whole shebang analos of the time.
HP has gate connection, an entry "pedal" and audio in.


Super simple to use, full of knobs on the panel with diagrams.


Ideally suited to electronic, funk, post-rock ...
Sounds very typical vintage ARP, big bass, leads super bright, captivating pads.
Less powerful than Odyssey (2 times cheaper too) but some sounds closest.
No afertouch velocity nor, for that matter the keys are not really terrible.
Not at all realistic, whatever ... We could imitate the sound of drops of water and wind with some effects behind with its LFO modulation and "random", with which we can also approach the blips of Odyssey and 2600.
Possibility of modulating the filter thanks to the audio in, spend a bunch of users in the synthesizer and his LFO and filter, a lot of possibilities in the end.


I use it for 3 days now
I already had a monophonic (mc-202, kind of SH101 without keyboard), but then nothing to see here the sound is much warmer, much more possibilities, the sound is "larger", I also Juno 106, the same, not like the sounds are completely different.
I love this little mono because it is able, like its big brothers, of surprising us with its sounds, its sounds weird, its modulation capabilities, but much more limited welfare on: Only one VCO, one senses a potential bridled.
The problem with this synth is its key ... not pleasant. And knobs, the majority of the caps are lost and replaced by things that do not.
In terms of value for money, I find it quite expensive, a small mono 78, worn with spots, scratches, missing caps and should not exceed 450 euros, but for example it remains to be ready at the same Coast a popular SH101 whose possibilities and character pale in comparison to this ARP Axxe. Good
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: ARP
  • Model: AXXE Mk2
  • Category: Analog Synths
  • Added in our database on: 04/08/2004

We have no technical specifications for this product
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Other categories in Synthesizers/Racks/Modules

Other names: axxe mk2, axxemk2, axxe mk 2, axxe mkii, axxemkii