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Fender Pawn Shop Jaguarillo

All user reviews for the Fender Pawn Shop Jaguarillo

Electric solidbody guitar with JZ/JG body from Fender belonging to the Pawn Shop series

Public price: $1,079 incl. VAT
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Audience: Anyone Value For Money : Excellent
Users reviews

    any style guitar

    Fender Pawn Shop JaguarilloPublished on 12/05/14 at 05:29
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use it with a Fender Mustang amplifier 3, I play a lot of shadows but, gary moore, santana .nothing to say about violin making. Micro are very well good sonority and especially very versatile. guitar holds well the agreement. are clear are the good can be a little less distortion. what I love most about this guitar is the microphone, and jouabiliter the handle. what I like least is the position of the pickup selector which is very misplaced it tends to hang when playing.
  • boutmanboutman

    good guitar

    Fender Pawn Shop JaguarilloPublished on 08/04/13 at 12:35
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I used the last few months but I switch between several other skyscrapers
    This model was a bit of a favorite for I had tried quickly in a store while I was looking for an amp.
    I'm a fan of anything related to the jaguar, mustang, ...
    I think she has a good sound versatility and difference between each microphone position is really a plus!
    You can play any ...
    Its handle is nice at least for me. It easily fits agreements ...
    I can not find a weak point in this guitar, if n is that haven not just a jaguar from his mouth and color are great.
    It cost me almost 200th less than the normal price! J jumped on course ...
    Repeat this choice? Yes ... just for versatility, quality manuf…
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    I used the last few months but I switch between several other skyscrapers
    This model was a bit of a favorite for I had tried quickly in a store while I was looking for an amp.
    I'm a fan of anything related to the jaguar, mustang, ...
    I think she has a good sound versatility and difference between each microphone position is really a plus!
    You can play any ...
    Its handle is nice at least for me. It easily fits agreements ...
    I can not find a weak point in this guitar, if n is that haven not just a jaguar from his mouth and color are great.
    It cost me almost 200th less than the normal price! J jumped on course ...
    Repeat this choice? Yes ... just for versatility, quality manufacturing, and especially his fucking mouth ;-)
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