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Roland HD-1

All user reviews for the Roland HD-1

Electronic Drum Kit from Roland belonging to the HD series

(23 reviews)
9 %
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52 %
(12 reviews)
17 %
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9 %
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Audience: Beginners
Users reviews
  • Xx albatteur xXXx albatteur xX

    Big benefits for a very small drumkit!

    Roland HD-1Published on 12/02/14 at 00:33
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    How long have you use it?

    I used 3 years

    Have you tried many other models before buying it?

    Yes, all brands

    What thing do you like most and least?

    Goodies: Small footprint, no noise pedal GC or HitHat. Snare very nice.
    Rubber pad not so bad.

    Cons: The sounds of electro Kits HipHop or are not too bad, but the drumkit kits are pretty bad. I used a permanently connected EZDrummer and LA, it sounded!

    How would you rate the quality / price? With experience, you do again this choice? ...dropoff Window

    Even for an entry-Roland, the quality is really not bad. In Cygnus we find the same price as some Millenium, Drumtech or other marks that the final will not hold a candle …
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    How long have you use it?

    I used 3 years

    Have you tried many other models before buying it?

    Yes, all brands

    What thing do you like most and least?

    Goodies: Small footprint, no noise pedal GC or HitHat. Snare very nice.
    Rubber pad not so bad.

    Cons: The sounds of electro Kits HipHop or are not too bad, but the drumkit kits are pretty bad. I used a permanently connected EZDrummer and LA, it sounded!

    How would you rate the quality / price? With experience, you do again this choice? ...dropoff Window

    Even for an entry-Roland, the quality is really not bad. In Cygnus we find the same price as some Millenium, Drumtech or other marks that the final will not hold a candle to this ROLAND
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  • bigben51bigben51

    Very well condition ...

    Roland HD-1Published on 05/05/13 at 04:31
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use it for my purchase.
    I had a Yamaha DXplorer before I used outside. But to my apartment, it took up too much space and was too noisy.
    What I love most: the dimensions (ultra compact) and the silence of the kick (no hit pad)
    What I do not like: limited hyper module (no control pad) and the use of kick unclear whether you want to be fast.
    For my part, I boosted by plugging in the Roland midi cable TD3.Et unit there was a good drumkit to perform or record provided to connect live tom 3 on the TD3 module.
    I remake the purchase because I really do not have room and the bass drum is silent.
    The quality / price is right.
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    I use it for my purchase.
    I had a Yamaha DXplorer before I used outside. But to my apartment, it took up too much space and was too noisy.
    What I love most: the dimensions (ultra compact) and the silence of the kick (no hit pad)
    What I do not like: limited hyper module (no control pad) and the use of kick unclear whether you want to be fast.
    For my part, I boosted by plugging in the Roland midi cable TD3.Et unit there was a good drumkit to perform or record provided to connect live tom 3 on the TD3 module.
    I remake the purchase because I really do not have room and the bass drum is silent.
    The quality / price is right.
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  • jc34080jc34080

    very average

    Roland HD-1Published on 04/20/13 at 09:22
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    hi, I recommend this drumkit, for me it is on the border of the toy ... The HD3 is a bit more expensive but it offers honorable sounds without reproduce an acoustic
  • djsystemedjsysteme

    well to start

    Roland HD-1Published on 12/21/12 at 15:11
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    This drumkit is to start the first 6 months but after it becomes very boring for its lack of sound over the bass drum is iréalist and when you go on an acoustic one is completely disorient
  • dex reddex red


    Roland HD-1Published on 11/04/12 at 03:14
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Basic electronics drumkit. For beginners. Sounds are few and rather poor.
    The bass drum pedal, without pad, makes the game uncomfortable and uncertain.
    No possibility to change the sounds (one sotie minijack line ...).
    Functions limited to twelve o'clock the extreme.

    You get tired very quickly and the machine is quickly stored at the bottom of local, waiting for better days or you can buy a machine properly, not necessarily much more expensive ..
  • ElkazElkaz

    For beginner and intermediate

    Roland HD-1Published on 07/16/12 at 14:35
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - I use this drumkit for now just over two years. This was my first drumkit. I tried this one in store and several others (td4, TD9, td12, td20 ... but the price is somewhat different).

    - What I loved about this drumkit is the space savings it brings. This was my first criteria. Moreover, the fame of Roland gives confidence and I did well to be guided. This is a very robust drumkit that allows to find his style gradually, take a few habits, just to play. In addition, being able to play with an MP3 player helps to have fun and play regularly.

    - I find the price / quality ratio perfect (especially now that the price has dropped completely, as will be replaced by the HD3).

    - However, …
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    - I use this drumkit for now just over two years. This was my first drumkit. I tried this one in store and several others (td4, TD9, td12, td20 ... but the price is somewhat different).

    - What I loved about this drumkit is the space savings it brings. This was my first criteria. Moreover, the fame of Roland gives confidence and I did well to be guided. This is a very robust drumkit that allows to find his style gradually, take a few habits, just to play. In addition, being able to play with an MP3 player helps to have fun and play regularly.

    - I find the price / quality ratio perfect (especially now that the price has dropped completely, as will be replaced by the HD3).

    - However, I see some negative points. Indeed, the pads toms are quite noisy (my neighbors remember), but I've covered, which reduces noise and has not altered in any way touch. The pedals do not transmit perfectly the feelings of a bass drum pedal and hi-hat but allow good learning. For the effect of the double pedal, I find it much easier than on a TD9 (since the TD9, hi-hat pedal acts as bass drum pedal). But hey, do not kid ourselves, this is the entry level Roland, so of course there are better (for touch and sound in particular).

    - Ultimately, the HD1 is a very good drumkit to be purchased without asking any questions. I'm very happy, I just want to go on with a better feel and better sound. After 2 years, I think I have toured this magnificent drumkit.
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  • rodtaqrodtaq

    Ideal for beginners and apartment

    Roland HD-1Published on 11/22/11 at 04:12
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    How long have you use it? 2 years

    Have you tried many other models before acqurir? Yes: TD4, explore

    What is the particular feature you like best and least?
    + Ergonomics, compactness qualitprix, simplicity drum sound base
    - Limit of other sounds, a little less raliste Charleston, coating of toms

    How do you report qualitprix? Good

    With the exprience, you do again this choice? Yes
    Ideal apartment with a rug or under protection, and IDAL to learn. Subsequently evolves over a hat, knit across the skins and other sounds of good quality will be considered
  • juanrossetjuanrosset

    A BIG DAUBE did not buy!

    Roland HD-1Published on 10/27/11 at 12:46
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I just do intubated to € 600 for shame!
    This drumkit is made for cul-de-bowl can not play with two pedals thomann even better is what is madness! push people to buy as TD20? you'll see it's over rolandculé how can we sell such shit whore! I have the balls is really the face of foutage I even tried to put a pad external GC does not work! well all they have already calculated that I said goodbye to a Mackie dung Chinese but then there's the cake! Roland never humiliating it is to be taken for a fool after 20 years of Zique .................... I recommend the final!
  • GlöggGlögg

    Roland HD-1Published on 08/03/07 at 13:08
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I tried the product APRS this afternoon in the store. I did not go with an a priori ngatif but I am not enthusiastic about the trs "bte". This looks more APRS me a toy or gadget vritable a musical instrument, especially for the price. The kits are not convincing at all, the ergonomics pnible. D'APRS I order a drumkit of electronic is when even play the drums so ... I therefore agree with the first opinion DPOS. Too bad!
  • Oh_OuiOh_Oui

    Roland HD-1Published on 08/03/07 at 16:16
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - How long have you use it?

    > Test in store.
    - What is the particular feature you like best and least?

    The "+":

    > Pads quiet, enjoyable touch trs.
    > Snare skin mesh (although the first prize)
    > Sensitivity Roland, rather then good on the pads.
    > Trs Takes little space.

    The "-":

    > Bass drum pedals does not feel as much a real, because no rebound of the bat.
    > If you are aware that this is a drumkit of electronic study (conveniently stored, simple, robust), the other points are ngatifs perspective.
    > The module is limited prprogramms 5 kits => But it is a drumkit study. No need to believe to find the sound of his dreams (unless it is easy to rve ACCS).
    > The ampli…
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    - How long have you use it?

    > Test in store.
    - What is the particular feature you like best and least?

    The "+":

    > Pads quiet, enjoyable touch trs.
    > Snare skin mesh (although the first prize)
    > Sensitivity Roland, rather then good on the pads.
    > Trs Takes little space.

    The "-":

    > Bass drum pedals does not feel as much a real, because no rebound of the bat.
    > If you are aware that this is a drumkit of electronic study (conveniently stored, simple, robust), the other points are ngatifs perspective.
    > The module is limited prprogramms 5 kits => But it is a drumkit study. No need to believe to find the sound of his dreams (unless it is easy to rve ACCS).
    > The amplifier provided is somewhat limited, if you buy it with.
    - Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

    > I was able to play a bit of a test and I 6kw TD TD 3KW to see the diffrence between the two module. But I'm mostly a drummer "sound" that seeks to continue an electronic drum kit work in my new environment full of neighbors. So J'hsite between HD-1 (which Exceeds my budget) and TD-3KW (which liquified my budget).
    - How do you report qualitprix?

    > The report quality price classic Roland. They pay their suprmatie.
    - With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...

    uh ... I have not done yet.
    Conclusion (brve promise!)
    > Despite the bass drum, trs good drumkit to work at home. I do not think that we can find better reliability in quality (no dclenchement intepestifs, mesh skin etc..) Sensations, for the same price.
    > Limit as Roland, I think, wanted a simple drumkit and quality. This is the case.
    Me my choice

    > I told you hsiter between the HD-1 and TD3-KW. My choice is directed towards the TD3. Mainly because of the module and its coach mode. Then to kick his (real pedals with a bat and bouncing all). But this choice is trs staff.
    > For the pads I can not find a big diffrence. At least not enough to make me feel like working on an HD-1 as a TD3.
    I leave you reflchir, me ... I must budgtise patient and I especially ... : /
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  • ApotreApotre

    Roland HD-1Published on 09/07/07 at 04:32
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I've had just one week.
    install the drumkit in an apartment Obviously electronics is de rigueur for those want to practice at home.

    I dj jou on a lot of Roland in the store, TD3, TD6 ... t and I won by a score that's a I opt for the HD1.

    Price level you get 699 or 400 euros less than the MODEL just above. (TD3)
    Installation is very easy. The pedals and all the cast chassis are a resistance to any test. The body is aluminum, dug each cot to put the cables in security. Installation is quick disassembly trs.
    trs the drumkit is compact since I put in my C1 without difficulty by removing just the cymbals.

    It is as quiet as they say, mainly because of the two pedals intgres and sna…
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    I've had just one week.
    install the drumkit in an apartment Obviously electronics is de rigueur for those want to practice at home.

    I dj jou on a lot of Roland in the store, TD3, TD6 ... t and I won by a score that's a I opt for the HD1.

    Price level you get 699 or 400 euros less than the MODEL just above. (TD3)
    Installation is very easy. The pedals and all the cast chassis are a resistance to any test. The body is aluminum, dug each cot to put the cables in security. Installation is quick disassembly trs.
    trs the drumkit is compact since I put in my C1 without difficulty by removing just the cymbals.

    It is as quiet as they say, mainly because of the two pedals intgres and snare mesh. for the rest, cymbals and toms, is not conventional pads specially discreet.

    Kits level there are 3 standard drum kits trs well done Rock, Pop etc.. there is only one kit per cons of double pedals against two announcements. The rest of the kits: percussions, techno, dance, hip-hop etc all pretty well done. We regret that there really have a kit with double pedals and more that this kit is one of the toms in percu chang ... is frankly dbile ...

    Other spots: - the impossibility of rgler volumes of each element. It's good mix of course, but I AIM to customize a. There is also a very useful work mtronome rhythm.
    - The output is a mini-jack is a bit stupid, the XLR or jack t would welcome.

    Conclusion: it's a drumkit that really does that work at home and take of being everywhere, in BPS etc. If you want a drumkit to store or you go your way fun.
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  • lam_dalam_da

    Roland HD-1Published on 09/27/07 at 01:40
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Hmm ...
    I'm not not really agree with the previous negative reviews.
    Perspective and must look for which this drumkit is!

    I tried it in stores.

    The product is intended for this client in my opinion:
    - Very little space in the apartment in a house because we ask the question much less
    - No connoisseur of electronic drums
    - So ... beginning, ie those who want to learn to play with something that sounds and is ergonomic and not too expensive

    In terms of size, we can not do better, it's really minimal, and the facility level, it made me look good with this simple block virtually all integrated.
    When you learn to play, it does not seek the must in the variation of sounds and…
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    Hmm ...
    I'm not not really agree with the previous negative reviews.
    Perspective and must look for which this drumkit is!

    I tried it in stores.

    The product is intended for this client in my opinion:
    - Very little space in the apartment in a house because we ask the question much less
    - No connoisseur of electronic drums
    - So ... beginning, ie those who want to learn to play with something that sounds and is ergonomic and not too expensive

    In terms of size, we can not do better, it's really minimal, and the facility level, it made me look good with this simple block virtually all integrated.
    When you learn to play, it does not seek the must in the variation of sounds and sensations of the pedals back. All we want is sound and that's it!
    Some complain of the weakness of the amp dedicated ... Bin for a small apartment I do not see an amp that takes 2x 100W instead of the drumkit to sound to everything.
    Just everything is studied to make it sound and it does not sound accessories (I think the pedals with their Cuic-Cuic).

    Finally now, I find the previous opinions too unjustified. When you search for high-end one is not even supposed to look at this model. When one begins and we have no place to fit a complete kit can be very interested in what we propose Roland.

    Obviously, at price / quality ratio, it can not rely on the TD-3 or 6. But the practical level / price, which is better?

    I am very interested to take it, and I was forgotten to mention the sound. On the amp or headphones (RF-200 Roland) is largely good enough to play without shouting Horror!
    I just wonder if it is possible to change the module later ...
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  • Anonymous

    Roland HD-1Published on 10/26/07 at 16:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I am a pro drummer and nice to me this kit to practice certain movements, control stick, etc., big problem, Resistors of the bass drum pedals ... No bounce, forgetting sixteenth ;-( (

    my question:
    you it is possible to tighten the spring disassemble the pedals in this one?
    Are any way to replace that parliaments by pedals on pad "normal?"

    tips welcome!
    otherwise, b isolated despite my pro studio for the night is the only fawn to train without paying the price for excellent acoustics, which would be ridiculous to me ...

    thank you for your rponses
  • ufcmanufcman

    Roland HD-1Published on 02/28/08 at 15:05
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - How long have you use it?
    2 months
    - What is so special that you like most and least?
    + Snare mesh skin feeling so true exellent game and in rebounding
    Ki + small drumkit that is perfect for my apartment
    + The pedal not integrated noise (but see negative ...)
    + Although few sounds but the sounds are all a 10 chewable
    + The metronome
    + Simple to install and carry
    + Cymbals a bi-sensor for the cymbal and the bell

    -Bate no rebound if you work so hard to the sixteenth
    -Toms and cymbals are rather noisy
    -One kit with the pedal double tom and medium ets of this kit the sound of a bell that kills a ki pe metal solos
    -The sound of the ride is very low
    - Have you tried…
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    - How long have you use it?
    2 months
    - What is so special that you like most and least?
    + Snare mesh skin feeling so true exellent game and in rebounding
    Ki + small drumkit that is perfect for my apartment
    + The pedal not integrated noise (but see negative ...)
    + Although few sounds but the sounds are all a 10 chewable
    + The metronome
    + Simple to install and carry
    + Cymbals a bi-sensor for the cymbal and the bell

    -Bate no rebound if you work so hard to the sixteenth
    -Toms and cymbals are rather noisy
    -One kit with the pedal double tom and medium ets of this kit the sound of a bell that kills a ki pe metal solos
    -The sound of the ride is very low
    - Have you tried many other models before buying it?
    absolutely all the models in the yamaha and roland
    - How would you rate the quality / price?
    ke I think it's a pretty good better electronics but € 700 is a bit expensive.
    - With experience, you do again this choice? ...
    I think so unless I was 300 euros more.
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  • marco59marco59

    Roland HD-1Published on 10/01/08 at 14:37
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - How long have you use it?

    For two days

    - What is so special that you like most and least?

    Top: filled his office, the pads are too reactive and not capricious, it adapts quickly to items that seem confusing at first (especially KM and HH)
    The CC is great in the end

    Cons: not take much (not my case;)), the bass tom pad is too close to the kit would have required that his arm is longer
    There are only 10 drum kits, but I think I'll use that first two ...

    - Have you tried many other models before buying it?

    I had a drumkit in electronic DIY (acoustic drums with mesh skin, triggers and modulates DDRUM DTXPRESS 3) the answer was no ... toms The GC pad is made all the time …
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    - How long have you use it?

    For two days

    - What is so special that you like most and least?

    Top: filled his office, the pads are too reactive and not capricious, it adapts quickly to items that seem confusing at first (especially KM and HH)
    The CC is great in the end

    Cons: not take much (not my case;)), the bass tom pad is too close to the kit would have required that his arm is longer
    There are only 10 drum kits, but I think I'll use that first two ...

    - Have you tried many other models before buying it?

    I had a drumkit in electronic DIY (acoustic drums with mesh skin, triggers and modulates DDRUM DTXPRESS 3) the answer was no ... toms The GC pad is made all the time the trunk ... by against I had a foot on a real HH HH

    - How would you rate the quality / price?

    with 100 or 150 euros less (598 euros Thomann bought) I would describe as UNBEATABLE
    then I'll just say for the Roland, and if you buy well for what it is (ie a drumkit electric drive, compact and reliable, but no frills), we pay for

    - With experience, you do again this choice? ...

    yes, I bought it to wait a few months time to do the work of my future soundproof studio, so I still have my Pearl Export next, and HD1 is fulfilling its role, neither more nor less
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