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Vox Tonelab ST

All user reviews for the Vox Tonelab ST

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Value For Money : Excellent
Users reviews
  • taobetaobe

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 04/30/09 at 15:10
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    With multiple effects as usual in ToneLab a priority to crunch sounds and saturs many possible combinations 11 amps of 3 possibilities plus a multitude of firms (speakers) it makes much all this is it ... lose some!
    the famous lamp is present on this little pedalier always fulfilled its role. USB connectivity allows you to manage the effects thanks to VOX Librairian brilliant Software !!!
    Base Connectors: IN, OUT, IN and USB line


    Simple configuration see basic !!!
    Editing sounds extremely simple and almost useless manual


    The effects are good. I use it for too short a time to have tried everything but it's VOX TONELAB of the series.
    I use all this with a…
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    With multiple effects as usual in ToneLab a priority to crunch sounds and saturs many possible combinations 11 amps of 3 possibilities plus a multitude of firms (speakers) it makes much all this is it ... lose some!
    the famous lamp is present on this little pedalier always fulfilled its role. USB connectivity allows you to manage the effects thanks to VOX Librairian brilliant Software !!!
    Base Connectors: IN, OUT, IN and USB line


    Simple configuration see basic !!!
    Editing sounds extremely simple and almost useless manual


    The effects are good. I use it for too short a time to have tried everything but it's VOX TONELAB of the series.
    I use all this with a marschall MG 100DFX great little amp (despite what some may say) and an Ibanez AS 73 to the hair !!!


    I use it for one week !!! AC is short for a tour of the beast!
    I like the compact and solid side of the machine with a sleek look and a bit classieu!
    Report quality / excellent price
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  • Zztop02Zztop02

    top notch

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 10/15/14 at 21:41
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I will take the good features already mentioned Product


    easy I advise beginners and even less .. beginners manual in front of the first days and the rest goes alone.


    connected directly to the console, I'm satisfied ..


    very easy to use and very beautiful sounds. this is my 3rd FX and I immediately adopted. excellent value for money.
    But I'm here to highlight a problem that I encounter on this product!
    entries are deleted! without me to do anything at all! I do not think I read that somewhere.
    This is very unpleasant and I have no explanation, a little bit of cloth once a month for dust and that's it.
    Product 2…
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    I will take the good features already mentioned Product


    easy I advise beginners and even less .. beginners manual in front of the first days and the rest goes alone.


    connected directly to the console, I'm satisfied ..


    very easy to use and very beautiful sounds. this is my 3rd FX and I immediately adopted. excellent value for money.
    But I'm here to highlight a problem that I encounter on this product!
    entries are deleted! without me to do anything at all! I do not think I read that somewhere.
    This is very unpleasant and I have no explanation, a little bit of cloth once a month for dust and that's it.
    Product 2 years and I see no greater thing. exception or not? having bought it used I can not act with the guarantee alas.
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  • SlapKidSlapKid

    have, I am disappointed!

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 01/24/14 at 10:10
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Digital course, with a lamp in alibi. No adjustment of input level, which requires reprogramming while changing guitar, thank you very much.
    Moreover to scroll you must press each time, so do not discount go 0-40 in a long press on a button, it is null.
    About programs, 99 pitches but only 50 for his creations, until then it's okay. on the other hand you are at the 0 and you get a notch for your last personal program and wham you're not at 49 but at 99 Factory (absolutely filthy also, as often). Not good for the price it offered!
    Connectivity is good, and in the master volume knob, and especially a cursor vfm-line to adapt the general behavior of the gadget by or it will go.
    USB port…
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    Digital course, with a lamp in alibi. No adjustment of input level, which requires reprogramming while changing guitar, thank you very much.
    Moreover to scroll you must press each time, so do not discount go 0-40 in a long press on a button, it is null.
    About programs, 99 pitches but only 50 for his creations, until then it's okay. on the other hand you are at the 0 and you get a notch for your last personal program and wham you're not at 49 but at 99 Factory (absolutely filthy also, as often). Not good for the price it offered!
    Connectivity is good, and in the master volume knob, and especially a cursor vfm-line to adapt the general behavior of the gadget by or it will go.
    USB port, I have not tested elsewhere I have only linux ...


    It's pretty simple, luminescent buttons are a plus. There is not much to be paid anyway, it is a serious lack of parameters. My korg AX3G is much higher on this side.
    The manual is good and necessary because the interface is not terrible since we want to setup the pedal, use the noisegate, etc..
    It can be used with headphones, but even my akg k240 studio does not make this pumpkin carosse. Forget it then, especially since the thing is not stereo (mono delay, reverb narrow) in real life.
    I put correct because it can be paid in a hurry and have a clean sound.


    Here it is more gate, and for short it offers nothing better than AX3G.
    The effects are ugly and dull, the delay is a horror bland and lack luster reverb-space speed etc..
    The section provides overdrive pedal distos-friendly (as the AX3G) that are essential for clean and dynamic saturax.
    Curiously this module seems to be placed after the amp module because disabling it distos pedals do not sound at all (the sound is almost extinct), I do not see the usefulness and worse it prevents the use of a front ToneLab clean amp just for distos and its effects.

    Distos: Lamp seems to be an excuse in any case it does not improve the standard sounds (found in green fashion and are available for ages in the products of the brand as the da5-DA15-AX3G ) the contrary she etric quack and adds a lot of breath.
    22 additional sounds (orange and red modes) does not therefore have a greater pace I have not pursued the matter.
    The compressor is too exaggerated and almost unusable (0.5 to 10.0 already flattens any signal), but it does not matter in this on clean sounds lamp produces a beautiful effect of compression (and breath but good).


    My AX3G is better on all points, especially stereo and is very convenient.
    Despite the years between these two products sound quality has deteriorated, although ergonomics ptinouvo easier for the basic.

    Anyway I think the new series of amps + vt is more convincing that ToneLab, while offering very comfortable option pedal 5-6 buttons. And as the 20w has everything, he returns with the pedal not much more expensive than ToneLab.

    Sorry but for the pub and positioning thingy I expected much better.
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  • Anonymous

    Good for tube amp + distortion and chorus

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 11/15/11 at 05:51
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Multi nice effects, easily editable via PC / Mac.
    Saturation tube amp simulator and effective comprehensive.
    USB connectors so easy.
    The mixture of these effects is poorly against thought.


    I bought it mainly for playing faithful headphone and replace my BOSS Metal Zone lacked versatility.
    The config is simple, I used the distortion and chorus.
    This serves as my distortion / preamp primarily because I connect directly to PC or PA.
    It has become my only purpose, but I only use distortion, cabin and serves me as a preamp, a little chorus and reverb sometimes forget the compression.

    Interresting thing is to comple lamp with overdrive distortion, the amp sim…
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    Multi nice effects, easily editable via PC / Mac.
    Saturation tube amp simulator and effective comprehensive.
    USB connectors so easy.
    The mixture of these effects is poorly against thought.


    I bought it mainly for playing faithful headphone and replace my BOSS Metal Zone lacked versatility.
    The config is simple, I used the distortion and chorus.
    This serves as my distortion / preamp primarily because I connect directly to PC or PA.
    It has become my only purpose, but I only use distortion, cabin and serves me as a preamp, a little chorus and reverb sometimes forget the compression.

    Interresting thing is to comple lamp with overdrive distortion, the amp simulator allows many combinations, it just easily be a bunch of sounds to suit all styles.
    Being able to assign the overdrive or delay the expression pedal is very useful and overcomes other equipment (except for the compression that I think is awful).


    Super suitable for different styles of saturation, cabins amp unrealistic but convenient to have a his own studio or repeated.
    Compression is moldy (blowing distortion) even if it works well.
    The reverb is not adjustable, either too much or too little.
    The delays and chorus are bluffing, I never used before, for cons, flangers and other effects I was not Strongly believes that over the pedals dedicated (and I had a bunch) or other multi effects tested.
    The high quality of this machine lies in having a tube amplifier with USB interface and to see games have multiple presets provided that remains light on the effects.
    My guitar is only built for big sound, just not judge sounds clear but it looks great for adding warmth (but I play without distortion)


    I use it for 3 or 4 months, I am a firm believer in this machine.
    For the price, I'm happy because it allows me to have only one machine interface for PC / Lamp and effects.
    I tried full of multi before (thank you Milonga that left me trying most of the store) and at this price, equivalent to little lamp.

    But for those who like me, just try a tube preamp and good saturation is a good choice, it is the perfect all in one (again, I do not use guitar amp) and registration, not to use VST, except for compression but actually chain is null.

    For effects is too limited, for example, you can not mix chorus + flanger then we can have the same 2fois disto ...
    impossible to wha-wha + compressor peurt when we have two different tremolo ...
    Compression is inutille given the quality of it and a lot of effects are very experimental in my opinion, it was soon soup.

    Interface so inconvenient for someone who seeks above all to good effect, the above, the competition is much better.

    Apart from the tube saturation, the effects tired me a little perplexed,
    The sound vox is a standard for tube overdrive, the pedal is metal so strong.
    I am not disappointed but not sure I do it again this election, I will remain in the future in separate special Indeed, the savings not this type of machine is good for troubleshooting but for those who want a professional, not sure.
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  • Mickyride85Mickyride85

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 10/17/09 at 00:54
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Brand: VOX
    MODEL: ST Valvetronix TONELAB
    Size: 17cm x 27cm x 4cm
    Average price: 180,217 (185 bought for me)

    - Technology lamp (12AX7)
    - Modl 33 amp (11 amp with 3 configurations diffrent)
    - 25 Effects Varis
    - 50 programs recorded Pr (not erasable)
    - 100 Programs memory (50 usable and customizable)
    - Chromatic Acordeur intgrbr /> - expression pedals with adjustable sensitivity.
    Port USB pourgestion library via its PC / MAC or use of sound card / ASIO
    - Selector AMP / LINE for choice of studio or scne
    - 2 mtal selectors for the selection of sounds

    Note: This ToneLab is small, more appropriate use studio / home. Trs sounds like good quality and VOX
    SERIES his TONE…
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    Brand: VOX
    MODEL: ST Valvetronix TONELAB
    Size: 17cm x 27cm x 4cm
    Average price: 180,217 (185 bought for me)

    - Technology lamp (12AX7)
    - Modl 33 amp (11 amp with 3 configurations diffrent)
    - 25 Effects Varis
    - 50 programs recorded Pr (not erasable)
    - 100 Programs memory (50 usable and customizable)
    - Chromatic Acordeur intgrbr /> - expression pedals with adjustable sensitivity.
    Port USB pourgestion library via its PC / MAC or use of sound card / ASIO
    - Selector AMP / LINE for choice of studio or scne
    - 2 mtal selectors for the selection of sounds

    Note: This ToneLab is small, more appropriate use studio / home. Trs sounds like good quality and VOX
    SERIES his TONELAB we are accustomed. Rglage a simple and effective. Using live as possible but complex.


    With a 35-page manual is clear and trs explained using the Tonelab ST is a breeze. Sketches, illustrations and schmas own. The description of the amp, effect and rglages are simple and go direct to the point. Only the heading USB MRIT more attention mainly on the use of the ST mode sound card / asio.

    The ST is small but the manual interface is easy to trs comprhensible and Accs. The edition sounds simple but is too superficial. Indeed its great ERRF compare, you can not edit certain types of effects in depth. This is merely the bare ncessaire ... Too bad ... The pedals of expression is trs small, and its course. But being able rgler the sensitivity of the pedals, can be ratraper lack of racing pedals and have a fully usable and fun as any pedals that is VOX.

    Use the USB mode allows you to manage the library quietly without taking the head. Fast Fashion software sounds via computer (JamVOX) t would be a must.


    Before acquiring a VOX TONELAB ST, I had a LINE6 POD XT LIVE. This is not the same template, but I must admit the VOX thanks his lamp out sounds clear and warm crunch trs. The amps DIFFERENT mode (STD, and SPL CST) allow a wide range of sounds. The effects are basic, simple and effective. I use this amp with a ST neutral keyboard to bring out the true sound of the amp without coloring the backgrounds mulate ST. I use a CORT KX5 FR for the guitar. On this point I must confess that VOX has a point on the mmeniveaux amp simulator that LINE6.


    I use it since its release one month'm just prs. The report qualitprix is ​​good, it is often a medium rare at 195 above 200 below 190 etrarementen. With experience, I not reselect => why??

    Because the quality seen to provide a pdalier as small and simple, I will choose one of its great forcment ERRF as such ToneLab LE is lowest use scne and allows a rglage depth.

    Beginners or for use remaining studio / home, the ST is a great asset and will soon prevail in the multi-effect pdaliers quality for a reasonable price.
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  • PtoshPtosh

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 11/10/09 at 02:12
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Previous or opinions which is quite full and I must say that keeps me from Retailer:-p 190euros for my part of euroguitar.com


    same but I add that I dsagreablement been surprised by the size of the pedal (20 cm .. knowing that I put on the 45 if I put the shoes a little big crush outright knobs most pres. ... so if like me you have big feet wha pedal the same individual is still exploitable) ... So bad point for the pedal ... but very happy about the different amp .... edit: it's pretty well thought out in all it can vitecr a new sound and recorded in the foul and / or find all the factory settings if desired. we can not change the effects in depth but some are very go…
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    Previous or opinions which is quite full and I must say that keeps me from Retailer:-p 190euros for my part of euroguitar.com


    same but I add that I dsagreablement been surprised by the size of the pedal (20 cm .. knowing that I put on the 45 if I put the shoes a little big crush outright knobs most pres. ... so if like me you have big feet wha pedal the same individual is still exploitable) ... So bad point for the pedal ... but very happy about the different amp .... edit: it's pretty well thought out in all it can vitecr a new sound and recorded in the foul and / or find all the factory settings if desired. we can not change the effects in depth but some are very good. Deplus the USB allows to address the problem without having back pain ;-) very good multi home


    so here I am very happy, I know if the quality effects (heat shall we say) comes from the lamp or if the quality dess vox effects but on this point is really very good. .. at least for my use (home studio) and its grain vintage (directory veiux rock, reggae ...). I edit for the effects I concidre as + or - after a period of use ... edit: no surprises ... Some effects are good or very good, but then much less ... 0 49 presets are "modified" so we always end up finding something suitable. however they are 99 to 50 sounds great "standard" rock inmodifiable (... it was not worth putting in 50 ...) may serve as a reference for the cr but I find it beyond to a need. Note: I tried a few pedals milter-effects and is a serious thing that bothers me ... why they mix presets "clean / delay volume2" and big "4 * 12 9 volumes of base metals" .... ? at least on this point, the st is well thought out as a press "write" after turning down the volume and it good.j 'I immediatly sets each volume presets (049 in all of less) to compensate for the problem and thus preserve timpents my heart and my cat ... amp on my h & k transistor is fun, being a good clean amp and saturated we leave good tips. the headphone is also very good


    I use it for a few days seulles So I wait to have such a step back .... but it is very good for what I saw, I feel I have got my money (but I'm really not happy with the pedal that I used for other probalmement wha saw something that I have a single adult:-p much easier used in pluspuisque Inrush / denclanchable foot pressure ....) edit: good point-weight / utilasations simple congestion-lamp-settings-effect "acoustic" is defined to reproduce the sound of an acoustic electric .... clearly not! but by plugging in an acoustic that is at once more convincing ... So for once has become an asset. Money bad points too small pedal my taste-exploitable dificil live, requires a lot of settings to pralableet chained vigilance to different pieces that look like them too a distortion pedal which is aimed more at the old rockers nostalgic as young performers hardos
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  • nilmagiciennilmagicien

    more than surprising ..... very well

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 05/19/11 at 09:56
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Characteristics have already been given and very well so nothing to add


    The config is very simple, the USB did his job, too bad we can not appoint its user presets and that they do not scroll on the small display. The settings of the amp type selector simulated rear (4 positions: vox, fender, marshall and line) change really made sounds and offer opportunities élormément with sélactions speakers. The manual, I did looked rather than to assign or remove the assignment to the expression pedal, only weak point in the Tonelab.


    Obviously sounds depend on the material used. I use it on my tube amp with two guitars and a very typical Les Paul Custom …
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    Characteristics have already been given and very well so nothing to add


    The config is very simple, the USB did his job, too bad we can not appoint its user presets and that they do not scroll on the small display. The settings of the amp type selector simulated rear (4 positions: vox, fender, marshall and line) change really made sounds and offer opportunities élormément with sélactions speakers. The manual, I did looked rather than to assign or remove the assignment to the expression pedal, only weak point in the Tonelab.


    Obviously sounds depend on the material used. I use it on my tube amp with two guitars and a very typical Les Paul Custom (Black Beauty) and strato 1975. The different types of amps are extremely realistic, very fine adjustments of legalization, the pedals are correct throughout with a fine for the tube over drive, the treble boost and distortion shop.
    Phaser, delay, echo and reverb without corrests well. The tuner is readable cons to put into circulation must press both buttons at the same time! Acrobat is not! expression pedal I ordered footwear of 47 it is shaped to a dwarf! it measures exactly 16 inches long with a width of 7 cm max !!!!!!! So I let the beast on my desk and it works just fine


    I bought the beast to improve my sound. I play a Fender Blues Junior and a Marshall Vintage Modern, a Les Paul Custom and a 75 years old Strato, blues rock music. I put on a facade Morley wah wah and a boost pedal that I got to do with Mojo. With the facade and the Tonelab Disco. I am 5 preset sounds for gibson and 5 for the stratum and basta. The Tonelab is not at all "gas factory", the knobs are really useful and sensitive it looks sturdy. The negative expression pedal! I put on the 47 and it is tiny and his race is ridiculous! is the only negative. So much for less than 200 euros is a super good plan. Given the amount of possible settings with patience everything must improve its scratch sounds.
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  • alboualbou

    A little sticky, but tasty!

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 10/25/10 at 01:07
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Here we are facing a multi-purpose lamp Vox (I must say I've never seen that, at the same time I do not own innate knowledge ...).
    I do not think too much I am right in saying that all known effects are available (11 in all) with the exception of a few: Chorus, Delay, Tremolo, Wah, and so on of the best, and a reverb, built (you can choose between 3 types and their intensities: Spring, Room, Hall). There are also (it does you will not escape) a pedal that can change sometimes serve Wah, sometimes pedal volume, Whammy ... You decide!
    The pedal also has an amp simulator (11 in all) to 3 channels. No need to have a PhD in math: it has a total of 33 amp simulations which can at will cho…
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    Here we are facing a multi-purpose lamp Vox (I must say I've never seen that, at the same time I do not own innate knowledge ...).
    I do not think too much I am right in saying that all known effects are available (11 in all) with the exception of a few: Chorus, Delay, Tremolo, Wah, and so on of the best, and a reverb, built (you can choose between 3 types and their intensities: Spring, Room, Hall). There are also (it does you will not escape) a pedal that can change sometimes serve Wah, sometimes pedal volume, Whammy ... You decide!
    The pedal also has an amp simulator (11 in all) to 3 channels. No need to have a PhD in math: it has a total of 33 amp simulations which can at will choose the independent firm and an internal equalizer, and a simulator and distortion pedal .. . Phew!
    With that, if we do not find a sound that pleases us is that we are probably not for the guitar.
    I forget to specify that can be programmed 99 different sounds, and sounds from 49 to 79 (or something like that) are guitar sounds of famous songs (Smells Like Teen Spirit, Pride and Joy, I am not a drawing).
    The pedal steel in the mold, gets a nice 12AX7 pre-amp that becomes glowing lorsque'on lighter gear. Imagine what can be an arpeggio with a chorus went on a Fender Hot Rod: pure delight!
    Finally, we can pre-set sounds through a USB connection located in front of the pedal, with that, you can share sounds, or even create new ones. It is an almost unlimited potential!
    With all this, I almost forgot the tuner!


    One might think that this machine is difficult to use, but NO!
    The ST has a Tonelab ergonomics and formidable annotations! Click here for this, click here and let you have this!
    Well ... regarding the manual ... well ... not being bilingual French / German, let's say I had to fight with fists (image) to decrypt it (to this day I still have not succeeded). But otherwise, I assume the manual is clear, there's no doubt: It is still VOX!
    For editing sounds, it's easy: you observe a few annotations here and there, and the rest follows naturally.
    I still have some difficulties to get to work other than Wah pedal, but we made it with time xD


    Pedal with 12AX7 tube, sounds are of rare quality and settings are almost as numerous as independent pedals (I said almost): the tremolo, you can adjust the height and intensity of vibration and the volume effect: what more?!
    I have a little regret for the whammy is not very effective. But otherwise, I am satisfied with everything from the light air Chorus, Flanger to torture!
    Some effects seem unnecessary, as the "Filtron" ... To this day I still have not found myself agreeing settings ...
    However, I am enthralled by the chorus (or there are 2 or even 3 if you count the chorus / delay). They are of rare quality!
    Now to the amp simulations. Now I'm more mixed: the sounds are really cleans hell! That nothing wrong! That is the distortion that I'm disappointed!
    The distos amps are good overall, just that I can not find what suits me, it's the same for distortion pedals. But the sounds are good, that's for sure! I'm picky, but you should find what you seek! The reverb is not bad, but considering the quality of the whole, there is still a little hungry ...
    I would put 8 because of the reverb and amp distos. Otherwise the rest is monumental!


    I use it for several weeks and that is really the foot is not lost with stupid and useless as effects from other manufacturers.
    Before this, I tried the same model (multi-effects pedal + change) at Zoom and Digitech home, but without the lamp, there's nothing to do, it does not sound like alas ...
    What I like most is the warm, realistic sounds and clean sounds and crunchy pedal, there's something for everyone and really, except for metal or distos limits are pretty ...
    What I do not really, it is the distortion pedals ... Some are similar and nothing new.
    A 217 €, it would be wrong to complain: it is a quality pedal, which he will prefer a tube amp rather than a buzzy transistor that can not bring out the true sounds of it it (but you can always try!)
    With experience ... I would do this choice, although very disappointed by the simulations "pedal", they needed no ... Apart from the "Tube OD" and "Store" which are really great.
    A value for the price of thunder p'tiots! It was I who told you!
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  • guilhem001guilhem001

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 03/18/10 at 14:08
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Having struggled with a Tonelab LE (complex enough ...), I decided to switch to a ST.
    I do not regret my choice: pre-programmed sounds are better than the LE, and the relative simplicity of this model can more quickly reach a better result.
    Overall, he spent most of my amps (Fender Champ or Princeton Silverface Silverface) or the sound that the LE.
    Simplicity has its downside, however: the interface is perhaps worse than the LE.
    But ultimately I found the quality / better price.
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    Having struggled with a Tonelab LE (complex enough ...), I decided to switch to a ST.
    I do not regret my choice: pre-programmed sounds are better than the LE, and the relative simplicity of this model can more quickly reach a better result.
    Overall, he spent most of my amps (Fender Champ or Princeton Silverface Silverface) or the sound that the LE.
    Simplicity has its downside, however: the interface is perhaps worse than the LE.
    But ultimately I found the quality / better price.
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  • Magix FingersMagix Fingers

    The Must

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 05/13/10 at 14:08
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I am fully tested yet because I just have bf but I'm happy to say how the sound is great.
    Indeed I did something useful for modulating live (chorus reverb delay), but for recording data is AC everywhere full of distortion and clear sound effect and a constable pc which we live can be used as a sound card and is changed through its direct pc sound or feature you can download more of his guys do that for you at home.
    Those about her bf not bad and fairly representative.


    The ToneLab I had before with whom I live recordings for our album which is said to be marketed in passing (http://www.virginmega.fr/musique/album/lion-s-il-fallait-- 107909050, page1.htm) here is the …
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    I am fully tested yet because I just have bf but I'm happy to say how the sound is great.
    Indeed I did something useful for modulating live (chorus reverb delay), but for recording data is AC everywhere full of distortion and clear sound effect and a constable pc which we live can be used as a sound card and is changed through its direct pc sound or feature you can download more of his guys do that for you at home.
    Those about her bf not bad and fairly representative.


    The ToneLab I had before with whom I live recordings for our album which is said to be marketed in passing (http://www.virginmega.fr/musique/album/lion-s-il-fallait-- 107909050, page1.htm) here is the link if you would take when the urge to come listen and buy it you will hear the ToneLab LE on but not really touch and even Ing me say that n had not retouched the sound is so pure and the st is the same.
    increasingly easier to use right away was the sound.
    I love and has more lights.
    How beautiful the sound is round and immediately we get the sound.


    Principle simple and brilliant and I'll get the sound you guys do to show
    For my part, I chose the amp that I want to turn on an amp and as I set my preference (this is for the top line) then I add my purpose and I equate them to the pedal or not to expression a reverb and let the light acting on an amp in addition to a lamp and a bonus blackstar distortion and happiness for the ears neighbors children everyone is benefiting and especially me.


    What more a very very good product in its range have really sincerely going to try or buy the closed eyes sincerely should be very difficult not to finally approve me personally I find my account and j got a config that would more than road for the LIVE studio and home. (see my config).
    Thank you vox continue.
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  • vox27vox27

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 11/30/10 at 00:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Very compact, good presentation, a 12AX7, a digital output to PC .... pity he is not fully stereo input, if not great!


    Easy to use (good book) and easy if you do not "dinguo" on the pedal, it will be fine.


    It is the drip pan is! it generates lots of breath especially when it is connected to a guitar amp (VOX AC15 and Fender Stratocaster I of 1979) on the other hand is less "visible" when were the plugs directly into a console, multitrack, PC .... I think this is probably digital converters (16 bit probably) input and output and the internal processing and the sampling frequency (44hz mini sure) or when the original lamp.

    At the level of real…
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    Very compact, good presentation, a 12AX7, a digital output to PC .... pity he is not fully stereo input, if not great!


    Easy to use (good book) and easy if you do not "dinguo" on the pedal, it will be fine.


    It is the drip pan is! it generates lots of breath especially when it is connected to a guitar amp (VOX AC15 and Fender Stratocaster I of 1979) on the other hand is less "visible" when were the plugs directly into a console, multitrack, PC .... I think this is probably digital converters (16 bit probably) input and output and the internal processing and the sampling frequency (44hz mini sure) or when the original lamp.

    At the level of realism of amp simulations, the I'm glad the VOX AC30 and really great! (I have a VOX AC15 I can really compare) there really good crunch tones, saturated ..... a flat for cleans (too little) and the pseudo noise (not cédibles)
    Effects "on board" are basic but good, enough for a beginner.


    4 months of use and I buy on Audiofanzine opinion, which are very good but it misses the problem of "substance" of the pedal away! Report qualitée average price for me little better! the breath is unbearable! because the stack with other effects that "breaths", its hello your arrival! certe there is as of the noise gate, but I like it.
    Manufactured for use direct console, close the bank!

    Post of January 20, 2011.
    I look at the record: the converter input and output sound 24 bit (good) bandwidth 44hz (minimum sevice today what CD quality) Internal Processing: aucunne info! no bypass (its very bad) and the distos overdrive, using only their poor compared to SD1, TS9, RATS .....
    I connected in series (her first) with my LINE6 M13 (top quality him!) Plugged into my AC15C1, well it's not good at all! it color the signal, gives breath without playing .....
    I read it because of all this is electronics (amp, preamp, effects .....) our many wall ties which modifies the signal, the color too much and creates the wind .... . result in a direct line is good, in an amp "classic" is more the same sound!
    In summary:
    1: Exellent amp simulations (especially AC30) for direct console, PC, Multitrack ..... in fact without a guitar amp "classic" (except type TECH 21 amps power engine .... ...)
    2: still nice for a beginner
    3: I will ever buy, but it did not in my pedal board, it serves me right for recording live on my 8-track at home and in series with my LINE6 M13 &%&%&% Qualities &% average
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  • CrossboneCrossbone


    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 02/02/11 at 01:49
    1 photo
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    If you read this review, you probably already know that it makes the amp simulation, chorus effects, reverb, delay, of whawha .... short, lots of things.
    Personally, I bought it for not putting more than 300 euros in a Pod XT, while wanting to record the guitar directly to a PC (including acid) to make pre-demo, and I'm not disappointed n have only spent 177 euros in this little gem. ^ _ ^
    The USB port is doing its job, and frankly, having also played on the Pod XT, I found that the Tonelab sounds more like me. It's more rock n roll, a little less cold (because of the lamp?), And playing with different combinations, we can find the sound you seek. Comparatively, the POD has too many sound…
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    If you read this review, you probably already know that it makes the amp simulation, chorus effects, reverb, delay, of whawha .... short, lots of things.
    Personally, I bought it for not putting more than 300 euros in a Pod XT, while wanting to record the guitar directly to a PC (including acid) to make pre-demo, and I'm not disappointed n have only spent 177 euros in this little gem. ^ _ ^
    The USB port is doing its job, and frankly, having also played on the Pod XT, I found that the Tonelab sounds more like me. It's more rock n roll, a little less cold (because of the lamp?), And playing with different combinations, we can find the sound you seek. Comparatively, the POD has too many sounds that are never used (except to say to someone "listens to her, it's too funny


    "...) I have not yet searched in all parameters (I have also not yet open record .... it can already say that just having fun fiddling the knobs).
    The use is fairly intuitive, and for those who are wondering, looking at pictures of the beast, both switches can move up or down programs.
    Short, easy to learn, easy to use. All good. :-)


    Having long been acoustic guitar, I had an old Epiphone somewhat abused to test ... I expected this to his usual old saucepan. WELL NO! It's brilliant! I really had good sound, and I'm not on there who like me have a really disliked (in clear as saturated).
    I can not imagine the sound that I have on my next new guitar! ^ _ ^


    I use it recently, but I feel I'm going to enjoy myself with this little wonder. :-)
    I could compare with the POD XT with a friend, and at first, but also the price attracted me to this Tonelab ST. I could not try it, but I listened to several essays on the internet and it's even better when it was in the hands.
    One small problem: the headphone jack is roughly (size guitar), while a mini-jack output could be practical. But hey, it's quickly forgotten, and just a simple adapter.
    The price / quality ratio is excellent! ToneLab and ST should be able to follow in funk, blues, pop, rock, hard rock, metal ... short, a little of everything. ^ _ ^

    Is what I would do this election? Without any hesitation! :-) From
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  • BaloranBaloran

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 01/30/11 at 01:59
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    A metal case, compact, weighing reassuring that does not slip on the floor, all is serious. The lamp is visible behind its schedule heats up the look. I am somewhat less convinced by the plastic jacks and power switch are the same as my DA5 on which I had to change these elements by the stronger ...
    The power supply is light, techno cutting, it does not heat up and seems to fulfill its role without a nuisance.


    very adequate and well-written.

    Controls accessible directly respond, but I'm not a fan of keystrokes to get to some features (presence, noise etc., min max of the pedal, edit 2 and 3, 10 presets progress ...)

    The simple two-digit display is visible…
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    A metal case, compact, weighing reassuring that does not slip on the floor, all is serious. The lamp is visible behind its schedule heats up the look. I am somewhat less convinced by the plastic jacks and power switch are the same as my DA5 on which I had to change these elements by the stronger ...
    The power supply is light, techno cutting, it does not heat up and seems to fulfill its role without a nuisance.


    very adequate and well-written.

    Controls accessible directly respond, but I'm not a fan of keystrokes to get to some features (presence, noise etc., min max of the pedal, edit 2 and 3, 10 presets progress ...)

    The simple two-digit display is visible, a preset name is also very good;)

    Vox, the only software available for PC only allows banks to manage that sounds. That annoyed me a bit, so I embarked on the creation of a publisher who meets preset (in my opinion) very well and this role than others: http://baloran.cekool.com/stedit-download


    I like. Let me explain. Only home-studio owners, before the Tonelab, I was only 4 and Guitar Rig 2 amplitude. My guitar (PRS SE Custom Fender Tele Baja, Bass Yamaha RBX270) are connected directly to an Audio Kontrol 1 and Mackie MR5 monitors, or a little VOX DA5 to play without starting up the plant ... I was moderately convinced by the emulation: a lot of work to get to sound pleasant (I do not have to be talented ...) It seems very intuitive, often noisy or musical bit, CPU intensive ... etc.
    With TonelabST, I find very pleasing sound without the fuss, I record them on with only a sequencer plugin compressor and a reverb and I'm just really;) Although there are as many digital processing in this contraption in a audio plugin, I find it really sounds more natural, warm. Well, the effects are not all of great finesse, the setting of "noise" a bit tricky (like dust under the carpet ...), breath a little present in certain combinations.
    USB 1 works correctly, as the ASIO driver: it is simply limited to 44100 Hz I still pass through the analog input of my Audio Kontrol.


    As mentioned above, having no experience on equivalent products, I really like my TonelabST. The Vox website (forum and toneroom) is quite nice and active. I remake this choice with the only hesitation may be the choice of the EX which replaces ST in 2011). I think the TonelabST has excellent value for money.

    Pleasantly surprised
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  • moosersmoosers

    Vox Tonelab STPublished on 02/13/10 at 20:42
    The Vox Tonelab ST is a multi-effects unit containing just about every type of guitar effect out there. It's got 1/4" connections for input and output and also has a built in tuner. The pedal has a tube inside of it, so the effects are at least running on some real power here. It isn't rack mountable since it is a foot pedal station.


    Since I haven't got an extensive amount of experience with the Vox Tonelab ST, I've yet to explore all of the ends that this pedal has to offer. This is to say, there is a lot that this unit has to offer, a lot of which will take you some time to dive into. Having said this, getting your basic tones from all the effects in here isn't h…
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    The Vox Tonelab ST is a multi-effects unit containing just about every type of guitar effect out there. It's got 1/4" connections for input and output and also has a built in tuner. The pedal has a tube inside of it, so the effects are at least running on some real power here. It isn't rack mountable since it is a foot pedal station.


    Since I haven't got an extensive amount of experience with the Vox Tonelab ST, I've yet to explore all of the ends that this pedal has to offer. This is to say, there is a lot that this unit has to offer, a lot of which will take you some time to dive into. Having said this, getting your basic tones from all the effects in here isn't hard at all and overall I don't think that you need a manual.


    The level of sound quality from the Vox Tonelab ST varies from effect to effect in my opinion. I like some of the effects a great deal, but at the same time many of them are sort of unrealistic sounding. Don't get me wrong, it is certainly nice to have access to all of these different effects in one box, but there isn't enough controlling options for some of the sounds on here. One of the things that there is plenty of control over is your amp modeling selection, as there are 33 to choose from here. The overdrive and gain effects are the ones on here that I enjoy a great deal, as well as the reverb, but the modulation effects are certainly a bit lack luster.


    First, let me say that in general I'm not an advocate for most of the multi-effects pedals out there. While the Vox Tonelab ST is powerful in its versatility, I still think that if you're serious about getting some good sounding effects that you're better off getting individual effects. Having brought this up, I will say that this is the perfect type of unit for someone looking to get into using effects but doesn't know where to start. It will put you on the right track to see what you like and what you don't, but I can't say I'd recommend it for a professional or for someone looking to get a professional sounding palette of guitar effects.
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