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Stagg GCX-J

Stagg GCX-J

Guitar Case/Bag from Stagg

1 review
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Jack ShnorJack Shnor

Stagg GCX-JPublished on 12/13/05 at 13:34
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
2 months since I purchased the AIS, the cot "vintage", ca has charm, is "beautiful".
the clasps are Calita top, with code numbers.
I always prfairer tuit the rigid ais I had with all my guitars since ... thirty-year, and I must say that this is what I board for the best.
impeut is expensive, 90 euros in store count, but I bought a ais deusime for another guitar. it is a choice I would do without hsitations and for two guitars. a good guitar is a guarantee of being protected longvite.

Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Stagg
  • Model: GCX-J
  • Category: Guitar Cases/Bags
  • Added in our database on: 12/19/2011

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Other names: gcxj