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Eminence The Wizard

Eminence The Wizard

Guitar speaker from Eminence belonging to the Redcoat series

6 reviews

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Superb in Blues and Rock

Eminence The WizardPublished on 11/19/14 at 07:56
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
In the end, I was disappointed with the Celestion Seventy 80 speaker to my amp Ibanez TSA15 stifling my Strat; I searched the net for a replacement HP, I hesitated with a Celestion G12H30 a bit expensive, and chose the Eminence The Wizard for clarity of sound, and the width of the spectrum.
Purchased on Amazon, I could have the same price in Sonovente.
With a little free time, I rode in my cabinet making, high volume, although rigid, semi-open.
HP Wizard and gives me exactly what I expected: clarity sounds, slamming my Strat RI 62, low net, not shrill treble, mids a bit hollow (but it corrects the knob), overdrive, crunch, light distortion , power is necessary, good sound at low...…
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In the end, I was disappointed with the Celestion Seventy 80 speaker to my amp Ibanez TSA15 stifling my Strat; I searched the net for a replacement HP, I hesitated with a Celestion G12H30 a bit expensive, and chose the Eminence The Wizard for clarity of sound, and the width of the spectrum.
Purchased on Amazon, I could have the same price in Sonovente.
With a little free time, I rode in my cabinet making, high volume, although rigid, semi-open.
HP Wizard and gives me exactly what I expected: clarity sounds, slamming my Strat RI 62, low net, not shrill treble, mids a bit hollow (but it corrects the knob), overdrive, crunch, light distortion , power is necessary, good sound at low power.
Bursbucker Pro with a Les Paul Standard 08, you get clear sounds very elegant, and easily passes the saturation, which is very well defined.
With Tele RI 52, we arrive at the velouter his playing with the genre Blues Junior tone but better defined and articulated; No acute garish, just crystal that controls the volume.
Little head with VOX Night Train 2W, you can shake the walls, and also pass clear sounds crunch a single note to an agreement, the Wizard returns clearly what is sent to him.
Ibanez head TSA15 found a new form, less jazz / blues more blues / rock.
I am completely satisfied with this Eminence The Wizard, which I find at a reasonable price. 9 noted, is from 10 to 80 €, but well worth the cost!
suddenly, I started a Eminence Ramrod 10 "in a transistor amp with HP 8", with the same kind of improvement all models sound much better (without reaching its lamps, of course!)
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Replaced advantageously my Celestion Seventy 80 !!

Eminence The WizardPublished on 09/23/14 at 03:10
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Model used in recent weeks on a Rivera Chubster 40 (combo).
I found running a little long but it was worth it.
I have not tried other models before buying it, but I talked at length with other users of this amp who advised me that choice model, especially to wake my channel "distortion "calm and treble for 2 channels.
Well, it's undeniable, I can now get an accurate equalization on my channel distortion. Without having screaming treble or high and low intractable mediums.
From memory, I paid just under € 80 new with a promo on a website selling online and it's well worth !!
I'm just saying that I should change the HP much earlier :)
Rendering, especially on the crunch channel...…
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Model used in recent weeks on a Rivera Chubster 40 (combo).
I found running a little long but it was worth it.
I have not tried other models before buying it, but I talked at length with other users of this amp who advised me that choice model, especially to wake my channel "distortion "calm and treble for 2 channels.
Well, it's undeniable, I can now get an accurate equalization on my channel distortion. Without having screaming treble or high and low intractable mediums.
From memory, I paid just under € 80 new with a promo on a website selling online and it's well worth !!
I'm just saying that I should change the HP much earlier :)
Rendering, especially on the crunch channel is much better!
I'm not saying that HP is the world's best. However, the report quality price is excellent.
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very good and thank you to him ...

Eminence The WizardPublished on 09/21/13 at 15:19
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
I use it for several years ... Typed british way ... but it is in the U.S.
Yes! of course I mostly saw other HP and of course used .... but about HP except real "Daubes" criticism is always difficult. Should be extended reflection on the amps ... acoustic guitars see a local ... on the other hand, I've noticed that out in the open he defends animal p'etre due to "corpulence "these 75W 'in 103 Db (16 ohms) ... rather on summer evenings when the air pressure is low ...
He must be patient in the beginning it sounds a bit chemical but once lapped I loved it! and I would do this choice, because my left "a sacred thorn in PEAVEY combo lamps" (112 V / KING brand new at the time ...) I was...…
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I use it for several years ... Typed british way ... but it is in the U.S.
Yes! of course I mostly saw other HP and of course used .... but about HP except real "Daubes" criticism is always difficult. Should be extended reflection on the amps ... acoustic guitars see a local ... on the other hand, I've noticed that out in the open he defends animal p'etre due to "corpulence "these 75W 'in 103 Db (16 ohms) ... rather on summer evenings when the air pressure is low ...
He must be patient in the beginning it sounds a bit chemical but once lapped I loved it! and I would do this choice, because my left "a sacred thorn in PEAVEY combo lamps" (112 V / KING brand new at the time ...) I was about to throw him j ... 'I could finally get an overdrive and Crunch worthy of the name!
For heavy-not I dont know it seems rather "vintage", it should connect to another amp ... I always pushes its connection to a need "metal" is not my thing, but I think he needs to get ... 103 Db because it's ... Question balaize price, it seems to me that 95 E 'it was a bit expensive.
-For more powerful combos it does not interfere with their performance, I could check on a Hiwatt and even a Fender I also love on VOX, then it looks like it is made to measure ...
-Add a very good broadcast "mono", the output is high performance more than V/30 I tried on only one (whereas with a firm two or four are remarkable) ... .. A little heavy 4.8 kg p'etre quality?? Lights and it seems more strain suitable for El 82 or 34 as 6l6.
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Eminence The WizardPublished on 12/23/12 at 12:59
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
HP Wizard mixture and used in a 212 Governor closed Framus CS212, replacing Celestion Vintage 30. (8 Ohms each> total impedance = 16 Ohms)

Amp: Hughes & Kettner Statesman Dual EL34 50W. (Saturations in a spirit quite Vox clean tones or fenderiens marshallesques depending on whether or not the button "Twang").

I thought I'd sound too smooth with the V30, too prescriptive, and really too garish. (Before the HP = bleeding ears, 30cm = this axis disappears from the mix)

This pair of HP is hell! Not quite satisfied with the first trials after a good break, this is happiness! I have to wake the dead grain, slightly raspy saturation, and my sounds are beautiful. I hear much better...…
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HP Wizard mixture and used in a 212 Governor closed Framus CS212, replacing Celestion Vintage 30. (8 Ohms each> total impedance = 16 Ohms)

Amp: Hughes & Kettner Statesman Dual EL34 50W. (Saturations in a spirit quite Vox clean tones or fenderiens marshallesques depending on whether or not the button "Twang").

I thought I'd sound too smooth with the V30, too prescriptive, and really too garish. (Before the HP = bleeding ears, 30cm = this axis disappears from the mix)

This pair of HP is hell! Not quite satisfied with the first trials after a good break, this is happiness! I have to wake the dead grain, slightly raspy saturation, and my sounds are beautiful. I hear much better again.

HP of choice.
(I am unable to speak only one of the two on the other hand, because I have not tested separately., But they go very well anyway!)
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Eminence
  • Model: The Wizard
  • Series: Redcoat
  • Category: Guitar speakers
  • Package weight:5.3 kg
  • Added in our database on: 12/22/2008

We have no technical specifications for this product
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Other categories in Guitar Amp Parts & Accessories

Other names: The Wizard 12, The Wizard 12", Wizard 12, Wizard 12"