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Sony MDR-520LP

Sony MDR-520LP

HiFi/audiophile headphone from Sony belonging to the MDR series

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l'electron librel'electron libre

Not bad ...

Sony MDR-520LPPublished on 05/10/11 at 20:20
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
After spending a good half hour before the headphones radius, I end by me decide to take this model being slightly think, ct design a model pro and flagship of the brand ... I maybe also t "pushed by the stamp" MDR "since possdant also an MDR-7506 which I am rather happy .. . but it is not in the same price range, or in the same sector ...

The purpose of this purchase was to acqurir a fairly good quality stereo headphones (to vary at all while listening to my different systems), relatively small and easily transportable for mobile use.

So, question: "portability" is exactly what I was looking for: a thin headband headphones reclining 90 (we can put the dish) and finally, a rather...…
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After spending a good half hour before the headphones radius, I end by me decide to take this model being slightly think, ct design a model pro and flagship of the brand ... I maybe also t "pushed by the stamp" MDR "since possdant also an MDR-7506 which I am rather happy .. . but it is not in the same price range, or in the same sector ...

The purpose of this purchase was to acqurir a fairly good quality stereo headphones (to vary at all while listening to my different systems), relatively small and easily transportable for mobile use.

So, question: "portability" is exactly what I was looking for: a thin headband headphones reclining 90 (we can put the dish) and finally, a rather small footprint.

In sound ... With a relatively wide bandwidth, the audio is not bad but rather without being exceptional either.
The stro is good without either be exceptionally ... just right after all ...
The bass are not "surboostes" (slightly boosted but nothing Gnant) ... anyway, they are prsentes and do not interfere with the general.
The mdiums perhaps a little lacking in clarity but are relatively dtaills all the same.
Finally, the treble frequencies seem rather well ajustes ... not screaming and "clean" ... the whole forms a fairly homogeneous and rather pleasant ... but we still far enough, all the same, a MDR 7506 ... at the same time, between 150 and 30 euros, we expect some differences!

Plastic utiliss seem quite "cheap" ... do with time ...
The pads are definitely the "black beast" of this headphone.
Indeed, even if they provide a rather pleasant sensation at first (very soft leather imitation), they rvlent unpleasant lengthwise.
In fact, the arch-shaped semicircle tends "tighten" the whole ... which has consquence pressure of headphones on the ears ... which, after a or two hours, really feel!

In conclusion, it responds headphones in sound, what I expected of him: "not too prcis" but not too rough either.
It's a decent keg that can serve extra for mobile use (including the compo) ... Obviously, it should not be esprer mixing or mastering with but for the edition sounds, compo and rapid mixing, this headset can be useful.
It can also be for the hi-fi listening compared to a pro ... listening to see rendering on different systems.

What I like most: his ct practice, his sound rather good for this kind of headphones ("good" does not mean "neutral" or "well-balanced but listening is agr reliable overall) ... the lightweight and adjustable earphones.

What I like least: the pads that hurt the ears when using the headphones for several hours sharpens ...

With experience, I do not know if I do it again this choice ... but it really is more these pads that something else!

Voil ... enjoy!
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l'electron librel'electron libre

Not bad ...

Sony MDR-520LPPublished on 05/10/11 at 20:21
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
After spending a good half hour before the headphones area, I end by myself to take this model slightly by thinking, design side, a pro model and flagship brand ... I may have been "pushed" by the legend "MDR" as also having a MDR-7506 which I'm pretty happy ... but it is not in the same price range, or in the same area ...

The purpose of this purchase was to acquire a pair of pretty good quality, hi-fi (for any change at all in my various audio systems), relatively small and easily transportable for mobile use.

So question "portability" is exactly what I wanted: a bow end, headphones reclining at 90 ° (it can lay flat) and finally, a rather small footprint.

At the sound ......…
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After spending a good half hour before the headphones area, I end by myself to take this model slightly by thinking, design side, a pro model and flagship brand ... I may have been "pushed" by the legend "MDR" as also having a MDR-7506 which I'm pretty happy ... but it is not in the same price range, or in the same area ...

The purpose of this purchase was to acquire a pair of pretty good quality, hi-fi (for any change at all in my various audio systems), relatively small and easily transportable for mobile use.

So question "portability" is exactly what I wanted: a bow end, headphones reclining at 90 ° (it can lay flat) and finally, a rather small footprint.

At the sound ... With a relatively wide bandwidth, the sound is pretty good but not exceptional either.
The stereo is good but not exceptional either ... just enough in short ...
The bass are not "surboostées" (slightly boosted but nothing embarrassing) ... In any case, they are present and do not affect the overall sound.
Mediums may lack some clarity but are still relatively detailed.
Finally, the high frequencies seem pretty well adjusted ... not screaming and "clean" ... all forms a fairly homogeneous and quite nice ... but still far enough, nonetheless, a MDR 7506 ... at the same time, between 150 and 30 euros, it is expected some differences!

The plastics used seem fairly "cheap" ... to do with time ...
The pads are undoubtedly the "bete noire" of the headphone.
Even if a sensation quite pleasant at first (very soft faux leather), they reveal unpleasant along the length.
In fact, the arch-shaped semicircle tends to "tighten" the whole ... This has resulted in pressure on the ear headphones ... which, after one or two hours, really makes sense!

In conclusion, this headphone meets at the level of sound that I expected from him, not "too accurate" but not too rough either.
It is a proper keg that can serve as backup for mobile use (including the components) ... Obviously, we can not hope to do with mixing or mastering, but for editing sounds, the composition and a rapid mixing, this headset can be helpful.
It can also be used for a hi-fi listening compared with listening pro ... to see made on the various systems.

What I like most: its convenience, its sound pretty good for this type of headphone ("good" does not mean "neutral" or "well balanced" but listening is pleasant throughout) .. . the lightweight and adjustable earphones.

What I like least: the pads that hurt the ears when using the headphones for hours on end ...

With experience, I do not know if I will ever be the choice ... but this is really more than anything else these pads!

There ... enjoy!
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Sony
  • Model: MDR-520LP
  • Series: MDR
  • Category: HiFi/audiophile headphones
  • Added in our database on: 05/10/2011

We have no technical specifications for this product
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Other categories in Headphones

Other names: mdr 520lp, mdr520lp, mdr 520 lp, mdr520 lp