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Thread Midi synch problem in playback

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1 Midi synch problem in playback
I hope someone can help with this question.
GEAR: Mac OS 10.13.6 Pro tools 12 Antelope discrete 8 synergy core, Focusrite scarlett 18i20 gen 3, iconnect audio 4+.
I have been using the scarlett as my audio and midi interface for a couple of years with Pro tools 12 and it has been fine. However I have just upgraded the audio interface to the Antelope D8SC. It doesnt have a midi port. It is Thunderbolt and I have tried both the scarlett and the iconnect as my midi interface (using USB). In both cases I tried to add a midi part in the track I was working on and the midi records perfectly in time but in playback it is early. Now I can correct that by pushing it later for the playback but that is an extra step and doesn’t deal with the problem.
So I tried a completely fresh track with no audio in it and recorded a midi part with the click track and it played it back perfectly in time. Yippee. So the problem is likely related to the plug ins I am using in Pro Tools. The delay compensation in PT adjusts for the plug in and the audio tracks are synched up, but not the midi. This problem wasn’t there when I just used the scarlett for my audio and midi, so it seems to be an issue with this new interface configuration. Thank you for reading this far and I welcome any suggestions.