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Yamaha VSS-200

All user reviews for the Yamaha VSS-200

Keyboard Arranger from Yamaha belonging to the PortaSound series

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  • sinkmusicsinkmusic

    Yamaha VSS-200Published on 05/14/05 at 14:34
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    This is a Yamaha Syth from the SERIES PortaTone. The Calvià 4 octaves (classical).
    No pitch bend wheel or modulation, no conenction noon.
    However, the big advantage of this synth is that it's actually a combo permable synthsampleur: 100 factory sounds (although the cheap Yamaha 80's, homes with "comet" , ghost, etc.,), samples in-house! Once the sample presets, you can modify using 9 oprateurs and effects (modulation, reverse, fuzz, echo, etc.).!
    The most incredible is that this synth is a micro dot to look trs Cibitoke asolument sampler for everything that happens proximity!


    Super easy to use, mm without the manual, all commands are accessible faade, no menu et…
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    This is a Yamaha Syth from the SERIES PortaTone. The Calvià 4 octaves (classical).
    No pitch bend wheel or modulation, no conenction noon.
    However, the big advantage of this synth is that it's actually a combo permable synthsampleur: 100 factory sounds (although the cheap Yamaha 80's, homes with "comet" , ghost, etc.,), samples in-house! Once the sample presets, you can modify using 9 oprateurs and effects (modulation, reverse, fuzz, echo, etc.).!
    The most incredible is that this synth is a micro dot to look trs Cibitoke asolument sampler for everything that happens proximity!


    Super easy to use, mm without the manual, all commands are accessible faade, no menu etc. MICC.
    The edition is a sound rve once the source samples (ADSR, effects, modulation, etc.).. The possibilities are numerous.


    The benefits are delightful for those who love the sounds trs cheap, but the advantage does not the RSID but versatile in the shipping section of the samples (both internal sounds resample or an external sound, as the two superimposed).
    Each sound sample can pass through the internal DSP 9 (loop, u-turn, reverse, FM, AM, fuzz, echo, pitch & level), whether or not combined, in addition to the envelope.

    No VLOC.
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  • moosersmoosers

    Yamaha VSS-200Published on 01/03/10 at 22:32
    The Yamaha VSS-200 is a unique digital synthesizer and sampler.  It has a built in microphone that you can use to record things and play it back using the keyboard.  It also has standard patches and sounds which are quite cheesy!  The keyboard is fully polyphonic and doesn't have anything like pitch or modulation wheels.


    Although I haven't gotten too in depth with the Yamaha VSS-200, using it for its basic features is quite easy.  There are a lot of in depth things you can do with your samples, but I only used it for simple sampling and playback, which was all I really wanted to use it for.  I've never seen a manual for the VSS-200, but if you are looking to get really …
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    The Yamaha VSS-200 is a unique digital synthesizer and sampler.  It has a built in microphone that you can use to record things and play it back using the keyboard.  It also has standard patches and sounds which are quite cheesy!  The keyboard is fully polyphonic and doesn't have anything like pitch or modulation wheels.


    Although I haven't gotten too in depth with the Yamaha VSS-200, using it for its basic features is quite easy.  There are a lot of in depth things you can do with your samples, but I only used it for simple sampling and playback, which was all I really wanted to use it for.  I've never seen a manual for the VSS-200, but if you are looking to get really in depth with this synth it wouldn't hurt to have one around as they are easily found in digital format.


    While I can't say that the sound quality of the patches is anything more than cheesy, the sampling features are what really set the Yamaha VSS-200 apart from the crowd.  The built in microphone makes it easy to record samples, and it has a ton of features available for manipulating this sound further.  You can get some really funny sounds by recording your voice and playing it up and down the keyboard, as it will transpose the sample!  It's really very fun to play around with, but I'm not much into sampling so I could only take the sound possibilities so far with the VSS-200...
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