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All user reviews for the ESP M-II

STC-Shaped Guitar from ESP belonging to the Custom Shop series

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  • zardetzardet

    ESP M-IIPublished on 09/19/06 at 16:09
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - Made in USA
    - 24 frets, pickups ESP factory (a double-bridge and a single-handle-)
    - ESP Floyd Rose
    - Potentiomtre volume only and microphones slecteur 3 positions
    - Channel rosewood (I think, but exellent anyway!)


    This guitar is the best that I held in my hands until this day .. The handle is qu'agrable, well rounded and not too flat. CHAC is the acute trsdgag. Only a few pounds she PSE (which I trs well for me), and therefore heavier than the average! Even without amp, this guitar is hard vinyl floor in my room .. She slams well and I love a.. :-P


    The sound of this guitar is quite aggressive (mtal East), but with the single coil in the cl…
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    - Made in USA
    - 24 frets, pickups ESP factory (a double-bridge and a single-handle-)
    - ESP Floyd Rose
    - Potentiomtre volume only and microphones slecteur 3 positions
    - Channel rosewood (I think, but exellent anyway!)


    This guitar is the best that I held in my hands until this day .. The handle is qu'agrable, well rounded and not too flat. CHAC is the acute trsdgag. Only a few pounds she PSE (which I trs well for me), and therefore heavier than the average! Even without amp, this guitar is hard vinyl floor in my room .. She slams well and I love a.. :-P


    The sound of this guitar is quite aggressive (mtal East), but with the single coil in the cleans you get a smooth, crystalline trs at the same time, a little dry in the treble. Normment I play rock of the 80, unfortunately my hardware amplification does not get good sound for this style and that's a shame because it has the potential Esp ! The bridge pickup is trs trs dynamic, it has a EHJV incredible solos and is a pure pleasure .. Dj without amplification, the tapping sounds of thunder, but with amplifier, fate has its own .. Only you have to play properly because the trs mic takes .. Default of the small ct so, but the parties share a password sweeper enjoyable though (you have to put the Systm amplification involved again).

    Unfortunately I lack just a Tone knob for that could normment good times ..


    In short, a 2 years now I use this guitar, and its dynamism makes war a bomb .. I was an opportunist exceptional since I bought it used .. Fortunately so, because otherwise the price hello .. So for a time the report / quality award is also simply outstanding .. In the era I n'tais not express rev but now I am sure never to regret this choice .. This guitar is unique (logic, custom) and I do lcherai for anything!

    What I found is the strongest in the ESP microphones factory. I was not expecting this and a bit skeptical at j'tais dpart, but I soon realized what I had .. :-)
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