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Vestax PMC-07
Vestax PMC-07

2-Channel Mixer from Vestax belonging to the PMC series

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Published on 07/02/04 at 09:42
It has all you need:
-aller/retour effect
-XLR and RCA output
The two formats-jack for headphones
-2 Phono / 2 line
Eq scratch-new features and mute (very practical)


Ergonomics is gnialissime nothing to do with all the tables vestax a commercial before, but we must try to see.


Superb sound the vestax also offers a truly remarkable evolution. Note that the cut really qualiseur the three bands: If you lower the bottom three knobs and well it's simple, there is no sound at all.


I've had one month, I had one PMC 05 Pro 2 front, but when I tried the PMC 007, I immediately crack (my wallet too) but is well worth the trouble I am certainly vestax background as objectively scratcher but the table is a killer and marks a great evolution in vestax and I do not think we have a lot of table that can compete with it. Prices are what they are vestax APRS should try it and it's a matter of tastes.