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Marshall 1960A JCM900
Marshall 1960A JCM900

4x12 Guitar Cabinet from Marshall belonging to the JCM900 series

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drapeau_rouge drapeau_rouge
Published on 10/25/08 at 01:13
I use this speaker in BPS with a head VHT Pitbull CLX 100 watts guitar and a Gibson Les Paul Custom, or more often a Fender Stratocaster Highway 1 with a humbucker at the bridge Bare Knuckle.

So it is not baffle me, I graciously lends the BPS to avoid each to lug all my mess, everything has to say that I do not look at the features, but pleased t on her!

Well, it's DIFFERENT from my VHT 4x12 (yes I know is not the same price range but I compare with what I know ...) was more acute (a me a pte ears will not, just that it is more acute), just over mdiums, for I lose against carrment especially low in that specially the great head of my VHT to send big bass! But it makes up about setting Depht and Bass and it's good ...

Volume level sounds louder than my VHT speaker is clear. But hey who cares as sound a lot because 90% of the time you will be taken up by the microphone sound system ... The fact that it sounds mdium / treble will be against me by a big advantage! You will spend more in the sound in concert!

Frankly I think the speaker is good (not great but good), but it should not be used for certain types of music: The mtal hard gonzo fucking trash grindcore HxC thing ... the heavy short and jazz as well (it seems to me even when it lacks a lot of heat). For other styles between these two extreme, you can go.