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Evolution Mk-261
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estepo estepo
Published on 09/09/04 at 04:11
Matre keyboard 61 keys, pitch, modulation, and some sounds of factories.
DCID I buy this keyboard for a couple jv-2080. I also t sduit by the number of keys.


I bought it on occasion, therefore, without manual and i ln'y no problem (I miss Paut-be functions but hey ...).
By reading the reviews on AF, I just bought a keyboard hsit cheap because many people give an opinion as to the touch rather ngatif. It is true that does not resemble the keys of a piano but do not look like a toy as one might think by reading the opinion.


Matre a good keyboard for those who want something simple without too much functionality. In my case, that's what I need. Just enough to take out the notes and the rest, the jv-2080 takes care of ...