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M-Audio BX5a Deluxe
M-Audio BX5a Deluxe

Active Monitor from M-Audio belonging to the BX series

Jesse Faab Jesse Faab

«  A good start »

Published on 08/25/11 at 04:38
I was looking for speakers for computer music and especially for listening to audiophile ambient, pop and house.


The high and low frequencies suffer from an imbalance. The highs are over-represented rather discreet and serious. But all can be easily reversed with a good equalizer. The speakers know so reproduce almost the entire spectrum without any problems. With 6 dB below 80Hz and-3dB of 5kHz-16kHz, the result is near perfect. One would think that a subwoofer is under the desk (not a box to 3000 euros but it's not always that)! The monitors are remarkably accurate. Spatialization is stirring as one remains in the area equilateral. A few meters, the rendering is not bad either, but a bit prescriptive. Fortunately, the power can compensate for this impression.


I tried the Studiophile AV40 for a few days before the trade for them. Strangely, the original spectrum of AV40 seemed more harmonious. But on low, it has nothing to do. The AV40 is technically unable to go below 70Hz and are generally not very powerful. I use BX5a past few days and made the atmosphere is great for the house and when properly equalized.

+ Design
+ Power
+ Low-impact (after equalization)
+ Clarity

- EQ required for normal listening