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Behringer Eurorack UB2442FX-Pro
Behringer Eurorack UB2442FX-Pro

Analog Mixer from Behringer belonging to the Eurorack series

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Kibutz Kibutz
Published on 08/29/05 at 12:18
As a mixer. . .
Routing possibilities complte.
Inserts on all mono tracks. Insert the master.
4 dparts effect (2 pr-post)
4 sub groups.

Note symtriques inputs and outputs, use a DS as possible.


No spcificits particulire if not a "fact intgrquot; (which is not usable srieusement).

The knobs are small and close to each other which severely hampers the use of scne.

I always had doubts about the quality of the knobs and faders of the mark ... And indeed there is one that begins "crachouiller". The ALPS faders are many ...

Fader groups (4) trs (too) sensitive.


The console is "relatively" transparent gart the price at which it offers.

The Liasons asymtriques actually introduce a lightweight breath.
It seems to me trs important to note that using the input and output symtriques, the breath is almost inesxistant; to me anyway!

The qualiseurs are correct within a certain range of gain. However, it seems better to use them in attnuation plutt amplification! ;-)


Why I chose this console: Amateur less fortunate possdant sound card 8 outputs (symtriques), and some synths and effects, I must admit that that is the only MODEL offered me the possibility to connect all for a low blow.

on the other hand, for scne, it's really not IDAL. Reconnaissont him a certain fragility!

It is obvious that for a more professional you think not even! But it's a secret. : - /