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Vintagedesign SU1
Vintagedesign SU1
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jctroyes jctroyes
Published on 01/29/08 at 06:51
There was my mixes before and after the Vintage Design!

I know that many critical "the mode" but it's not a fashion! This is not a new problem either! I remember early in cubase audio (in time or 8 audio tracks was crazy) I went out all my tracks on my analog console like I did before with a multitrack tape! This was logical because the purpose and Triat internally was not great. Since the effects are improved and the software and once we start mixing in the zinzin without asking more questions. However, I understand why some fellow with analog consoles had a more fluid and épaix!
After several tests and comparisons I have come to buy the SU1p

I think what is most striking is the logical place that takes each element of a mix. Everything is more detailed in its place without the plant noise drooled on something else. Reverbs are also no more "presents"

The software will surma progress in this area a few years. At that Neve consoles such as SSL or (and others) have a dynamic and resolution to be higher than the 128 bits! So!

The SU1 is fairly ugly and in a studio rack goes for something cobbled together by hand. But inside that high quality components and identical to those of last NEVE consoles.

against passing by on a system with summation involves changes in the studio has not overlooked if not ca no use! Very good D / A converter, a compressor to reduce the gain a little before you convert it back with a good A / D converter I use my Universal Audio 2192 and RME A04S (same ADi8DS RME) for the conversion. And as I have the passive version (it is therefore a péamplificateur) I bought for the occasion ChandlerLimited TG2 and LTD 2 (compression NEVE 2254).
Ultimately it is not cheap! But this is precisely the difference. The sound is poor he took over the relief without resorting to x compressors and effects of all kinds to try to sound mix.
It requires a certain rigor and competence of the adjustment of output levels abvant the summation to avoid problems of levels.


No manual. The package is a little too empty!
design but not top them crazy right?


Transparency huge but dependent on the D / A converters


In hindsight I would buy property for the Neve8816 already have more avenues of summation and the quality of my mchine unlike Souvant unfounded opinion!
I bought the Neve8803 lately and that's it except for the NEVE amateur. It sounds very 1081 in the treble and bass is firm. The medium is like a rule in 1073 when the Q a little tighter ... Brief

The SU1 as Su1p sound really good. The Su1p is cheaper to buy but need a preamplifier. It's more expensive than me revenias Su1 but at least I have the sound of TG2 (API console type) on my mix ... It sounds what ...