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Alesis Micron
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Nukta v3.0 Nukta v3.0

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Published on 10/28/12 at 04:45
Everything has been said below, I do not believe it ...


The big downside is the micron-level sound editing is done by a single pottard and it takes a lot of time to navigate between the different parameters editing!
At least go through an editor on the computer, what makes a thing more to have on oneself ...

CERTAIN parameters are assignable to different controllers available on the keyboard. (If I remember correctly the effect parameters are for example not assignable)


The sounds can be very varied possibilities of the synth but no realistic cases, we can have some nice results on types electric piano sounds, SYTAR ... BUT it sounds digital!


Used for 2 years in addition to my MPC1000 which made me a good set nomadic micron was my first synth keyboard after owning a Virus B, at the sound quality is in my opinion a step above!

But the possibilities are really huge micron (FM powaaa!) What makes a great synth for beginners or for scholarships reduced.