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Alesis Micron
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Published on 03/19/09 at 12:14
Rf. product. Trs complete as his great ERRF the Ion. Manual means.
The editor Mac / PC is a great consolation.


The edition is an ordeal. One menu for all custom settings! Fortunately there are shortcuts. The keyboard is enjoyable and trs Controller also even if the small buttons are a bit temperamental. However, the possibilities are standard with the rhythms, the mini squenceur splitage and keyboard.


Not bad for the modlisation of analog. Powerful and prcis APRS is not the analog. I find that the more pchu microKORG. It has the characters and many presets.
Effects not so good.


I use it for several months.
I like the concept with the options, size, design.
For 250 I do not do it again yet this choice. It is convenient but too tedious to program and if the house we draw something INTERESTED, live it gives very little I know is in the grain of the sound. Frquences should be treated as normally, hardware synths are well balance.