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Roland GI-20
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Tali Tali
Published on 11/24/04 at 07:18
Midi interface, connects a sensor GK2A (for guitar) or GK2B (for low), to control an external sound module or virtual (via PC).
In my case: I chose this product (GI20 GK2B +) to drive from my bass and synths resident on my laptop (sound card with 4ms latency).


Easy to use and transportable trs.
My use: low + + GI20 GK2B to drive virtual synths on PC Live.
While my sound card gives a latency of only 4 ms, that produced by the GI20 is monstrous!
It is simply unplayable!
To give you an ide is like playing in unison with a bassist that is not in place! (All piss in a violin)
The only solution is to use the studio to groundwater dclencher 60 derrire quantize the black.


1 week of use and many tests later ... rglages
To use that I wanted to do (live with a PC) is dead.
Otherwise the price is affordable.
Of course I would do not have that choice.
SHAME also the socity Roland, for use with PC live, fails to prciser that this product is so far from having a near-zero latency!


N / A