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EBS MultiComp
EBS MultiComp
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mac guyle mac guyle

«  Excellent »

Published on 10/20/10 at 07:46
a pretty basic pedal effect, as often with BSE, but the key is l.


Simple configuration:
a switch for slectionner 3 types of compression (simulated tube ... etc.)
a potentiomtre to assay the level of compression
potentiomtre to assay a gain
alummer a button or cut (in "true bypass)
all in a very strong case in metal.


The quality of sound is really excellent. the sound of the bass it is magnificent without the dnatur. There is renewed heat when you press the button.
I use a musicman stingray plugged into an amp ashdown. I use both on stage and in the studio. The effect can best get out of the mix and adds a bit more presence.


I use it for over a year.
The pros: all (quality of sound / simplicity of use)
The - I do not see
The report price is honnte quality under the quality of the hardware ... there are cheaper, it said ... but you should know what you want!
I would do it without hesitating choice.