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SWR SM-400
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MGR/Epuller(matt m.) MGR/Epuller(matt m.)

« SWR SM-400 »

Published on 07/13/02 at 15:00
I purchased this unit for $700(included 210 goliath Jr.) from a studio pro in LA county. It never left the studio until it made my hands.

Everything!!!! This unit is the tops. I wanted something that could give me incredable sonics with an range of sound possible. I did exactly that when I purchased this unit. With the Aural Enhance, the 4 way Eq, and Threshold and an on-board limiter, the sound possibilities are endless. I wash about anything out or add all the color I would like with this head. On top of that I can run up to six 8ohm cabs off of it. That is moving some air. Most heads you look at or purchase, over estimates the power rating. Not in this case. I would be suprised if it is not supremely under-rated.
Aluminum casing and great to look at. Looks intimidating at appearance. Black and read all over. Super High end component.

There is not much I do not like about the unit. Great tube pre-amp, biamable.
I guess I would prefer that it was 2 ohm load capable in Mono mode.
A little more warmth in the pre-amp maybe.

One thing. Be careful replacing screws in an Aluminum casing. It is better for heat dispersal but bad for stripping threads. Do not tighten screws down too tightly!!!!

Sherman Tank. I had to remove 16 screws to get the top off to check the tube. Solid. NO way you could do any better on quality or construction that I can see.

If you want a marquee unit that will last until your children at the age of 30 decide to buy there own rig, you will not go wrong. This amp has to be one at the top of the charts. All other amps since this one will build off of its character. A modern legend.

Let me tell you something guys, you are known by what you surround yourself by. Surround yourself with SWR.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com