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AER  Basic Performer
AER Basic Performer
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Kochisa Kochisa
Published on 11/14/06 at 16:32
Although the previous opinion DS


Very simple, everyone will find it


Really, really good
frank c exellent
bass, fretless, fretted, even a bad bass arrive cope
Force C rather neutral, but big and very good potato so serious and impressive headroom ...
I have not found a combo of this size that sounds like the
the song goes really well on it and the same acoustic guitar (several concerts with a song on the channels and low on each other and the slap .. pfff c clear, precise ... the highs are very good ... etc.


The price is almost a 1600 euros (1555 Thoman home)
forcing it feels all this dough, but good quality of madness to last c
Gallien Kruger tried the 150 MB, small and as expected TEARING opinion, quite simple to transport to metro (12 kgs) but then no comparison with the aer, two different worlds, the aer remains "heavy" for movement no good car but what a slap