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Joemeek VC1Qcs Studio Channel
Joemeek VC1Qcs Studio Channel
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Workingman Hero Workingman Hero
Published on 12/03/02 at 05:55
Value For Money : Excellent
This is a Voice Channel: preamp, compressor, EQ, Enhancer.
Since this is a Joemeek is opto compressor that is the highlight that this unit.
This is a two rack units apareil.
In front, there is an input jack TS scheduled to be used out with a live instrument. There is one scheduled for XLR microphone.
Rear panel: input source for balanced TRS, XLR, insert point, output XLR and TRS, all dex balanced.


The preamp fits most situations: phase reverse, phantom power, high-pass filter, switch to using DI come.
The comp is by-passable: adjustment of the ratio, the attack time and release, and "slope" 5 positions: that is how the sound will be compressed between treshold and ratio ...
With the Joemeek, drop the scientific approach to the comp: we must try, to grind ...
The eq is pretty: high and lows are fixed, parametric medium.
I n'utlise not really part enhancer / deesseur...alots find someone better informed in this regard ...
The manual has the merit to exist, but then to say that it is complete ... anyway with this unit, we learn more by testing ...


Difficult to make a more colorful Joemmek ... but that's why they are used.
It's more that the comp preamp that colors.
After a good mic will sound good through a well-tuned Meek ...
If you find something very true, go vote the way, the Meek's not something flexible.
(Oh, avoid integrated digital converters option, it seems to induce a buzz in the analog outputs)


For the price, it's a great preamp, provided you want the color ... perfect for everything from near and far like the rock (that is large ..). For other styles, see for yourself, I know nothing, and to be honest I do not care.
This is a good price / quality ratio, I do not regret this purchase ... I Achang well against a VCTwins ... (the same in duplicate) ...