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Zildjian Avedis Crash 18"
Zildjian Avedis Crash 18"

Crash Cymbal from Zildjian belonging to the Avedis series

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jordanbarman jordanbarman
Published on 04/03/08 at 09:03
- How long have you use it?
I use it now for 2 months and I regret not having been before!
- What is so special that you like most and least?
I have a rock crash 18 ", so I love his answer to the strike which is very lively! Is a heavy cimballe (attention, I mean the rock. ...), After so we just go there and hit again! me some repros the flow noise (especially in the repeat group ^ ^): I would rather see her for a quality, but after, with protection, I do not really see that they reproached him!
- Have you tried many other models before buying it?
If we talk Zildjian, no ... but a lot of different brand and I must say that Zildjian sent! Especially the series Rock: D
- How would you rate the quality / price?
it is on, if we bought new and in store, its not just that the skin of couyter c **. Deja, buying over the Internet, you get U reduction compared to the prices shops;
I was fortunate to come across one of the few sites that sold more products at the end of the sales period and I found this wonder for cursed sum of ... € 165 instead of 240 about (internet price )!!!!! I immediately buy!
to conclude, that the price is extremely high for a cimballe excellent but be aware to find opportunity and do not hesitate ^ ^
- With experience, you do again this choice? ...
To blow! I plan to buy even a second or a custom Z at the next perieode balances ^ ^
ps: I put 10/10 as I was lucky to find it for cheap, but otherwise, I would put (that) ^ ^ 9.10
Cimballe excellent I recommend that sends everything rockers!!