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Korg D-1200
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« Korg D 1200 »

Published on 05/18/03 at 15:00
I use this machine at college for all my recording needs. It has the optional extra of a CD burner. I use this all the time. It is very handy when i need to take my work home and edit it on a PC.

This unit has it all. The sound quality is amazing. With professional mic's a band could record an album on here no trouble. Its very easy to use.

There are a few problems with the unit. The first one to my knowlage is that you can only record 4 tracks at once. But you can record loads if you record them 1 at a time. And the second is a problem with the design of the unit. If you accidentally unplug the unit or there is a power cut after a recording, all data from the last time you truned the machine on will be lost. The machine has to be turned off to save the data. And the last is, when you have recorded many songs, you have to remix all the tracks again because it doesnt save the sound levels.

This machine is built well. All the controls and buttons are very durable.

This machine is really good. It is perfect when it comes to good quality recordings at a affordable price. There are a few set backs, but nothing that should put you off the machine.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com