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Korg D3200
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xibeb xibeb
Published on 02/21/07 at 07:40
See the docs already in circulation ... but the doc is not no model of its kind I would cite the latest exs


Ben guys, I do not believe you told me qd screen was small!! unreadable and is mainly due to the shade of gray is impossible to resolve in contrast! it's not even worth it! 8 as the p (888) was friendly with all those buttons direct access (yes, less tracks but no sub-menu to bite me ...)!
-The effects are pathetic and I am talking effects "guitar": I defy quiquoque Faier QQC of rock with overruns that thing! synthetic possible!
-The battery is borked because inexlpoitable trp and especially long to settle!
The D3200 has lost everything that the D888 had facilties and intuitive!
-And where the devil fell from the second headphone jack From D888, again? very convenient for listening to the singer at the same tps as I listen to my gtr and all that without ch ... neighbors!
I did that yesterday (he arrived with a bulk e fader board was yet intact: result: even with the fader down to 0, the sound passes qd same!
we'll see what gives the guarantee but as I live ... I ordered the meeting in Paris in effectcenter.com ... we'll see, I'll let you know ... just disgusted chui!


it sounds! at least it's here!


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