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Roland VS-2480 CD
Roland VS-2480 CD

Digital Multrack-studio from Roland belonging to the VS series

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GuillaumeF GuillaumeF
Published on 01/10/05 at 06:50
Value For Money : Excellent
- What is the connection (analog, numrique, MIDI)?

Symtriques 16 analog inputs (16 XLR jack with 6.35 and 8 + 1 spare power phantme between high impdence Instrument).
RBUS 2 digital inputs (2 x 8 in / 8 out) Roland format that can be converted to ADAT format converter via DIF-AT (500 EUR after all the same)
Between an optical SPDIF

- What is the precision of chantillonage (bits / kHz)?
16/24 bit - 32/44.1/48/64/88.2/96 KHz (with restrictions - see below)

- What is the storage media used (ZIP, MiniDisc, hard disk ...)?
Hard Disk Storage IDE Internal (80 Giga) and / or external disk SSCI
Projects can be exports CD R / RW (backup) or wave format. However burning audio CD mastering APRS can only be done if the project is recorded at 44.1 Khz! So be careful if you want to work in 48 or 96, because you can burn the master CD (sr but you can always export it to wave format to convert on your PC with the selection tool (WaveLab etc.). .

- What type of sync are supported?
MTC sync, word clock (in), STMPE (in), SPDIF (in and out). Unfortunately, no word clock out.

- How many tracks can be registered / read simultanment? ...
Dpendant recording format:

- Max 16/24 16/24 32 bit 48 Khz
- Max 8 / 12 16/24 64 96 bits HHZ

not compress:
- Max 16/16 16/24 32 bit 48 Khz
- Max 8 / 8 16/24 64 96 bits HHZ

Basically, a good quality recording trs (24-bit 96Khz uncompressed it is an 8-track for a good quality recording (24 bit 48Khz uncompressed), it s 'acts of 16 tracks and not a 24!. APRS, depending on the style of music compression formats can do and then you have to make a 24 tracks. But not for my use .

10 for the connection in gnral and VGA screen
-2 For the format RBUS
One for recording formats
A CD for grveur integrbr /> -1 for burning audio project only 44.1
-1 For the number of tracks without compression


- The configuration gnrale Is it easy?
Very simple and intuitive. A real treat, especially with VGA screen. I emphasize this point.

- The usual functions are they easily accessible?
I do all the mice, but the hardware is available trs.

- The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
As usual, medium / good.


- The A / D and D / A are transparent?
It's going. Difficult to compare with the super high end stuff (Digidesign, Apogee, RME ...). But it was worth the money.

- Effects and filters are effective?
Blah blah blah. The 5-band equalization paramtrique really complte trs. However it is not great music. It's numrique, so it does not blow at all especially on rglages extreme, but it does not sound great. But it was worth the money. As for effects, rverbes are correct, but I do not compare my M3000 ...

- The dynamic is it respect?
All dpend just the recording format. The pramplis are not great - but not too noisy. APRS, if you bump into uncompressed dynamics is quite correct, otherwise I find it quite poor, making it compact enough and sounded him stick. But it was worth the money.


- How long have you use it?
I use it for two years.

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
I record my group and rptition apprcie transportabilit greatly. The VGA screen is a more standard for ergonomics and I can not do without.
What is the least j'apprcie connectivity RBUS the pramplis, the number of tracks in uncompressed format (16 instead of 24).

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
I was next to the Yamaha and Tascam ct, but nothing super compelling when you want a powerful and portable.

- How do you report qualitprix?
Good value for money.

- With the exprience, you do again this choice?
With exprience, I would leave on a solution plutt PC (like Carillon rack) Empowered with Cubase SX3.0, RME MADI card, converters AD8-DS, an analogue desk with good trs pramplis and some analog compressors not to saturate before the digital conversion. However, it would have cost 3 4 times more expensive, but I could have done recording 32 tracks at 96 kHz 32-bit floating plutt than 16 tracks in 24 bit 44.1 KHR ... But hey, we pay for