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Teenage Engineering OP-1
Teenage Engineering OP-1
juji juji

«  Swiss Army Knife (Sweden) »

Published on 07/20/12 at 05:47
Everything has been said already.
7 mode synthesis synth + a drum
Sampler, Drum sampler
5 effects

4 tracks

all on battery, portable and least 1kg ...


It's pretty simple at first, once we have understood the shift key combinations. The edition of synths and effects of its architecture and its simple sounded right away :)

For the magneto part is a bit more mixed for me. To understand all the subtleties one must read the manual.
I use too much 4 the track for mixing préférantle to live on.

However no way to erase a single track it's all or nothing. It just possibly a lifter track if its duration is less than (memory) 90s.

on the other hand, and it is seen from them, they just transfer the live recordings on his computer as a. Aif. Because it must be admitted, especially when it has the usb plug blows out a lot. This method allows for a clean sound, one begins to dream for a future firmware update there have included as a vst virus on IT ...

Sequencing issue I also externally, the sequence being grid is really too short (1 measure), the other its not bad and can give way to experimentation. The swing function is quite powerful.


So many good surprise.
What this little beast out of his gut is inversely proportional to this size. It just really out of low fat good fat or round and plump. I even used recently to make Sub.

Otherwise with 7 engines syntheses was a wide range of sound, still confined in the field of electronic music. The LFO's well thought out and nice to use and the effect and the ADSR, it's really short synthesis. It comes easily to what you want without spending hours.

The synthesis engine drum is a good addition to the latest OS, but I still prefer to spend my time on my tempest or my MD. But lost on an island in an ocean I would gladly spend more time.

The drum sampler is more than adequate and the bank is its cool, we just add the own or those conceived during OP1 drum contest. The pleasant surprise is that after sequencing, we just use the keyboard to dépitcher sequence, very friendly.

The sampler with the highway maintenance but I have yet to grow in its entrenchment in particular in terms of depitch. But we just do something nice with you including time stretch by fiddling a little.

So for that sound good


Richie Hawtin good although did consider that as a simple controller design and expensive, it's a real synth that has a great character and nomadic.
Its small size may in some frustrated annoyed that some function is not accessible by a single button, but the price willing to pay for a powerful tool that you just carry around.

In addition the update brings new features and the TE is a team listens to its users. We can dream for the next update a sound card function, or a granular Sythe beat cruching short, it has not finished out of its chrysalis.

I therefore advise to everyone and especially for beginners because it is multi function (synth, sampler, drumbox, recorder) and little animations on the screen are very educational.

So yes it is a bit expensive, but well worth it. Do not forget that it is made of suede and then submitted to the European labor cost (30 euro at the 1/2h elektron (also Swedish)). So I think you will find that very occas difficult because we do not want to part with.