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Premier Résonator
Premier Résonator
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yvanof06 yvanof06
Published on 05/19/08 at 16:52
- How long have you use it?
- Four years or

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
- Pros: - Its lgret for transport
- The rsonnance that carries the note without changing ft!
- The interlocking double Systm stamp Snare
- No vibration
- One's own! trs enjoyable in acoustic scne
- The feet have a hint of rust!
- The rodod not bougbr /> - Especially not mute add! she just sings

-Cons: - Lack of projection for the toms, it's against the plated ..
but hey, with microphones ..
- The CC emptement foot on the ground, a little Gnant
- Deformation due to clamping of the bar support toms at GC
- Tom 13 "vir ... ..

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
- Rogers, Tama, Yamaha, singerland, sonor .. beginners to low-end
beginners premium. in 24 years ...

- How do you report qualitprix?
- Nickel! but for 450 (argus) I do not spare! Kenins ...

- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...
- It dpend just demand of the musical style ..
It is very well for pop, blues, jazz (somewhat)
Rock, with microphones on fts ..
The GC is quite impressive, and the CC, and Tom 12 "(my prfr)

It makes the studio scne and everyone loves it! drummer or not ..
Just know rgler its instrument ..
This is my first "First" and I trust him Fully!
So yes .. the same choice, if I stay in this range. thus a 9 / 10 because I have not yet tried to Gretch ...