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Burns Guitars Bison Bass
Burns Guitars Bison Bass
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Published on 02/18/08 at 01:13
It is a low-designed in England in the 60 (61?), But it seems they are now manufactured in Korea.
In fact he "forgives" (God forgive me even that word) its Asian origin, because the violin is remarkable, hyper careful we have the low quality.
-22 Frets and all his teeth
-1 Pot volume
-1 Tone
-2 Selectors microphones (ba yes!)


The grip is amazing sitting:
First the body required very large and may interfere in some ways a bit to the right hand, which is struggling to find support. Standing piti another problem: the tie-strap, placed at the base of the dorsal horn, do not maintain the right, she pitches to the left. I solved both problems by moving the belt clip in the Horn, towards the end, and it is the foot. Seated, I play with the strap and it's going.
The neck is super good! I ended up playing right away things unusual for a bass, it calls for experimentation I think. Yet it is thoroughly vintage ...
The sounds are obtained étonnants.MAis selction of the system is quite confusing, not easy to find at first, it will memorize the config.
It has an A / B gives us two versions of positions and a position selector with 4 positions:

-Split sound

each position has a variant in the position do A / B

Wild dog in position A: + micro severe acute
position B: severe + medium + acute
bass position A: Severe alone
position B: severe + medium etc.

a note: I thought for a moment that there were two pots volummes, but in fact the knob tone tends to reduce positions on some too when the sound down.

So what we want to find it is necessary to tweak a little moment.C is nice sometimes, when we least three times to move two different pots to move from one micro to another ...
And finally the big flat (not first), the handle tends to curl, and nothing to do!


As mentioned above: it gives us the sounds abound.
A very wide range of sounds is here! The most sour-nazillard to round things grasses.On fortunately many shades in between: sound-off phases in the intermediate positions, sounds more full in the position or severe micro micro medium.L set is hot, clear, milky, but a bit light in groups ...
Play it's full of surprises: it is discovered full of sounds, all qualities, and we do not know what to do on the spot. The term is well underway.
The sound reminds me once again to a stratovolcano. It may seem sometimes a little light on the whole, compared to a Jazzbass it has less body.
And that's where I see the note down after a year to play on it: If the sound is heard playing all alone with his amp calls us to be a "9" or "10" a sound, it is quite different groups. Sound, although quite powerful in the volume (on a Hartke played in rehearsal), does not have enough body, is not compact enough to play groovy. I will say that the suit has some rockers, but a rhythmic play is not aggressive enough. The sound is also not empty compact, it sounds ... as a scratch again!
In short if vou use it to record with his intimate and a good sound card is interesting, but for big bass that are trying, that's not it!

Two further caveats:
-A tendency to microphonics
It has less bass string bass response in the rope, which is enough for even c *****! I say in passing, I did it because the handle has changed and the E string which is not apparent: SAME PROBLEM WITH THE NEW!


It was the early kiff total, a stroke of lightning! But in the end the bitch is frustrating. Sounds unique and rare (it is far from the modern jazz-rock bass and cold, the rendering is very precise and characterized), but the handle will come tarnish that borders this accuracy! What a pity! And nothing to do, I did it replaced and the same desire are there! Lack of fishing of all is a pity too, and can perhaps be solved by an internal preamp ... You decide.
I do know that advise you to try, taking into account these small defects because it is a strange machine that you have, in the spirit of vintage and very particular, an amount sufficient English.

Try it!!