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G&L Fullerton Deluxe LB-100
G&L Fullerton Deluxe LB-100
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hawkde3 hawkde3
Published on 02/06/08 at 12:27
Made in the USA (MODEL vintage production ends in recent years dj.
21 frets a micro Splitt certainly the brand G & L
G & L a bridge (like the musicman)
rglages trs simple: volume and tonalitbr /> handle tilleuil body oak and it seems to me
pitch 34 "


Enjoyable round of a smooth wood qualitbr /> large boxes lies in step 34 "so easy to CASC 21 frets large sizes
level as it is enjoyable, it is heavy weight level (for endhurants)
Its Precision super quality requires all of the same technology for a clean sound.


It fits pretty well DIFFERENT styles of music (rock, blues, etc ...)
the most is that despite the presence of a mic it DGIG its incredible power for a passive bass is heard more in particulirement slap.
Enjoyable in the sounds of jazz as more contemporary styles in alternative rock or punk.
I play with a head amp Hartke ha2500, and Rockson Bafle by "Fame"
Simplicity in rglage li two buttons worthy of true passive bass and sound quality provided trs large, very round, very full, natural sound and powerful.
Trs good natural sound powerful, clean but a little more fiery than the jazz bass which allows s'vader a little easier despite the lack of tone possibly related to electronic passive.


I use it for 6 months
I love his violin and finish that gives it a funky ct at the top is less weight and may be the absence of an active switch to switch from time to time to avoid the monotony.
I tried DIFFERENT MODELS and among the jazz bass precision bass and I quickly made my choice because its sound is really unusual and unique DGIG at low power in the same price range (1000 2000).
to a low near-unique and vintage with a finish as it makes the price seem low trs justifibr /> I do not regret this purchase I am proud of trs and the quality of his I recall when I think NWPD money for this worthy cause! ^ ^