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ESI Quata-Fire 610
ESI Quata-Fire 610
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yagp yagp
Published on 01/20/07 at 07:11
I bought a 610 QuataFire taking account of experiences found on various forums and the quality of the recordings that you can do with it. I use this card to record voice and musical instruments.

Since November 2006, I use this card with the software Rosegarden, all running Linux Fedora 6 on a laptop Fujitsu-Siemens P7010 endowed with 1 GB of RAM and a 80GB hard drive

As required, I was connected microphones (one pair of RODE NT 5 or a Shure Beta 58), a guitar amp output.


The result is good, and this without any difficulty of installation. The card is so simple to use that I did not need to read any manual.


Since I use this card with Linux, I have no problem of driver: rosegarden audio server connects to jackd, whom I mentioned to use the driver freebob (config made simple with qjackctl), the while being supplied with Linux Fedora 6.

I have not paid attention to the latency, the only thing that really interests me is that all this works well (I say that I still configure / etc / security / limits.conf to get good results).

My use of the card QuataFire 610 is very modest: my needs are limited for now to two tracks played and recorded simultaneously.


I use this card from a 2 ½ months. This is my first external sound card. J'aprécie quality recordings that can do and its ease of use (no need to look at the manual).

I give a 10/10 for this card.