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Fender Blender Reissue
Fender Blender Reissue
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Sabaku Sabaku
Published on 04/03/06 at 15:08
Value For Money : Excellent
Reissue of the famous 60's fuzz
it's a fuzz pedal of his peculiar because it issues is ...
MONSTROUS should try to realize it.
it is indeed used for solo Bullet with Butterfly Wings Smashing Pumpkins.
the pedal is made of aluminum, very strong and therefore good looks.
This is an intriguing EST resistance has been changed in this new edition, which the bride's enormement.pour avoid this we must attach a wire to divert


Very easy to use, 4 knobs Sustain, Volume, Tone (going to the fuzz of distortion by turning the knob), Blend (it regulates the amount of distortion)
you turn is ca sonne.2 buttons to activate the pedal and a boost to boost tone of the whole.
the manual supplied with the unit has some nice examples of config.
otherwise fairly intuitive EST


Ha finally speaking her!
it is huge, we can spend the big fuzz was slight distortion ultra violent
and when we say violent ... I do not know of a pedal that I like him!
but hey if you put it all back, which is not recommended, it becomes the yogurt.
you can use it to make much of that vintage fuzz to make very very heavy!
jai otherwise try this pedal with a bass and cest geniale

boost button tone can boost the sound, if you have any humbucker allew you need to play with this button if you play constantly active with simple bah not need microphones.

Personal I use this pedal for some violent passages in groups


I use it for 2 or 3 months
jaime the originalitee this pedal, it has pa ny of pedal that produces the sound so violent
but hey I understand why pa fender has the resistance to flange sound ...
for the price (180th) we pay for
I hesitate no referrer so that choice, even if I sold it because of my amp I buy it back