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Raw Material Tracktion
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Njxt Njxt
Published on 11/20/03 at 07:53
- Installation: 0 default (on XP), in addition, the update is done with ease.
- Incompatibility: qq VST badly programmed merdoient few times but this tends s'amliorer with versions of Tracktion or VST. The most common work beautifully.
- Configuration gnral: ultra simple and clear. Compare Cubase (for ASIO) is childish.
- Manual: HTML + support only the "tips" in the program. Trs but lacks clear examples can be qq.

N'tant distribution (for now, ending for the Mackie box;)? ) That the Internet is a marvel, even in the modem. Frankly, less than 5 MB for version complte with examples! And 1.6 MB for the soft full MAJ is the rve.

Come on, I did put that 9 to the aid that does not yet cover all topics, but technically amrita 10.


- Performance: Excellent (on an Athlon XP 1800 +, 512MB RAM PC 2100, DD 7200 turns)! BCP uses less than Cubase "charge" equivalent. In addition to the feature freeze tracks to audio tracks (yes ma'am) or South, the resources are endless (well, ok, j'exagre).
- Stabilit: extreme. Never had a plant in a month. Only crash seen with another user: caused by any VST pourrave.

A 10 MRIT.


- Useful: a month
- Special? :
* Power / functions / originality / price!
* Interface original, just in dpart Drout (10 minutes)).
* Extremely fast learning curve
* Efficiency: I 3x more "profitable" than this squenceur ts prcdemment those I tried. There are so many good ides simple to use interface and comprehensive software that I do not know what to emphasize here. Give it a try.
- Quality over price: almost unbeatable. 80 euros for two licenses!

Points ngatifs: missing functions (sometimes 'basic') Submitted on other soft squenceurs but both perptuelle evolution, they are intgres as and ( at least the Espron).

So a 8 / 10 for the moment that probably will turn into 9 or 10 weeks in qq;)

But that said, I bought APRS one hour test. IMMEDIATE oprant charm.