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Fender Custom Shop Custom '69 Stratocaster Pickup Set
Fender Custom Shop Custom '69 Stratocaster Pickup Set
jimilu jimilu
Published on 10/26/07 at 14:53
First honor where honor, thank you Audiofanzine because I bought this set of microphones via a small ad on a price INTERESTED trs (140.00 euros ttc), because then I ' had read reviews on these same microphones, guess o. ...... on Audiofanzine.
Micros bought a few days ago and quickly mounted on a Fender Start 60me anniversary mexico (very good violin incidentally), but Tex-Mex pickups not my original got, this was a Just over a year since I played with before considering the replacement of the microphones. Well I .......... These pickups are just great, they turned my guitar, truthfully, the sound is totally diffrent, only better, sounds hyper d finished, has not drool forever in the grave, all notes are intelligible, the highs are not shrill even if they bump it when even in a word ............ is the foot.
There are really sound in the late 60's, sounds like Hendrix, Blackmore, on his return to the same little Frusciante with Red Hot ..... if you put more derrire a good all-tube amp that happiness.
But against, I believe, like others, to mount these microphones with a Start button in handle and sturdy, I think they penss t conus and for such scratches.
In short, you who read carefully, if you are the Owner 'of a Strat Mexico, Japan and Us strandard (even when it is necessary to correct a violin, it does not mount tires on 17 inch 2 HP) you who would like to have the sound that kills so go ahead n'hsites more, mount the microphone, if more you can have them for a sum around 150.00 euros (see listings Audiofanzine) it takes more hsiter is a small investment worth its weight in cacahutes.