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Jacques Stompboxes Singing Geisha
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Published on 05/05/09 at 23:08
Japan Boss, and we'll have Jacques. Jacques has a vintage instrument shop on the side of Marseille, but also produces effects quite ... originals.

This wah is also, atypical. But why she called the Singing Geisha? It is actually equipped with a function "sing", so Theremin ® (precursor of synthesizers and the first electronic instrument, dating from the early twentieth) whose frequency is modified by the scale. Strange idea ...

- Fully analog
- Toggle switch electronic and optical detection
- Controls the width of the scan for the wah
- Fuzz switn integrated with independent on / bypass, volume controls and gain
- Effect "sing" with independent switch on / bypass and volume controls and frequency
- Input / mono output
- 9V battery power or mains (I think??)

Jacques inspired by vintage pedals. Unfortunately the design too ... The plastic casing is really "cheap", it seems that this pedal really spell the years 60-70, low-end version. Too bad because the whole is well constructed elsewhere.

To me a 7 / 10 for the perceived quality beyond standards.


First point: food. 9V battery but can also be sector. Nothing is said about the manual, but the base under the notation "9V DC" correspond, apart from the fact that it is a socket?! I'd rather not try to feed it with a male adapter 9V ...

For the rest this pedal is very thoughtful and ergonomic adjustments for the fuzz and the "singular" are arranged on either side of the pedal and accessible by foot. The input / output device is placed on top of the pedal, not to have the cables and jacks in the feet.

The rocker is nice, sensitive, accurate and progressive.


On the wah, there are (fortunately or unfortunately) sounds reminiscent of the famous Vox Clyde McCoy, all manufacturers (or almost) copy. The wah is good quality and vintage.

For the fuzz independent, it is also very vintage with a very gradual gain boost from slightly fuzz, the fuzz very fat and dirty. She even deserve to be alone.

To the effect "sing", it is a fixed frequency synthesizer type that is varied by means of the rocker. The result is closer to the siren of the geisha. The frequency control selects the frequency most acute when the flip is closed. Now we must be creative to find an application. This effect can be added to the wah effect for a spectacular new. Alone, I set the frequency on the acute tone of the solo that I play and uses the effect on a few well-chosen notes: it brings amazing harmonics.


An original and well constructed pedal but with a finish not really rewarding years 60-70.
The wah and fuzz are vintage style and quality.
The effect "sing" is interesting but we must learn to use it and try to get a result melodic.

A pedal original unique. It will not be mandatory as a first choice wah, but may interest those looking for weird and unusual effects. In short, a minority of us.