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Gibson ES-335 Dot
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olivier boisjean olivier boisjean


Published on 09/28/12 at 13:48
model manufactured in 1981, cherry color, 59 reissue
Pickups: 2 classic 57 '
toggle switch, 2 volume, 2 tone ............. in the classic Gibson
tune o matic
mechanics have been changed for grover


the handle is a U.S. highway, a feast, a reference, a myth .....
he never moved, always mounted 10-52, the string action is fantastic, very close to the key without fiser!!!

For the weight it is a ES 335, not against light by very balanced, we can let go of the handle, not my head falls to the ground (unlike my SG 61 reissue!! Remains a featherweight side)

Access to acute is easy

about sound, we touch the main theme. it sounds in any amp type, whether a small combo transistor, hybrid modeling preamp or tube amp, it sounds 335!!!! but continued in the next paragraph,,,,,


I use it for blues, rock, hard rock, variety then it is usable for any kind of music, in a mix or on stage, we immediately recognize its particular grain.

you can get all kinds of sounds with this gem of natural Cristalin the crunch, we can to make the "sing" because it does not ring, it "sings"!!
one lerger overdrive and there .... Chuck Berry, it chokes a bit string ..... Bill haley ..... you will easily understand that I love rock!!!

I use a POD PRO coupled to a G MAJOR. all live console or through a power amp and a 2x12 cabinet with Vintage Gold HP.
this is it I see everything on the comments .... "Yeah, he gives pearls before swine" or "pure blood" in a "pure m ... e"! .... there is no debate as well set the rendering of POD PRO little be bluffing. But like everything, you have to spend time especially as I have a wide repertoire of times (I try to find sounds and effects that I take pieces) and 3 electric guitars with different sound caractériques (see my material for those interested). I always choose a guitar based on its typical that I seek.


I use it since 1996, bought used.

I was lucky enough to find a store in Paris that had 4 used (which is rare!), I tested all twin reverb silverface old, without changing the settings on the amp, I could endendre differences between these 4 models and I chose one that I still have. I found the one that best matched the sound I wanted.

I find no fault him.

If it again, I again this choice without worry, on the other hand I would stay in the same year of manufacture (1981) as a matter of specifications more stringent over the following years. But now you have to open the wallet .... generously

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